
The western part of the city is often home to the poorer residents. Here there is a grunginess that permeates the town from the graffiti on the once cleaned brick buildings to the broken and unmaintained architecture. Crime runs high within the western half of town, making it the home of supernatural gangs of illicit activities. Such activities are rarely reported, however, and most residents are distrustful of individual's of authorities, and often let the powerful supernatural beings sort things out amongst themselves. Be careful wandering the Western streets after the sun falls.

What You'll Find Here

Black Market
Cull & Pistol
Noah's Ark

There is room enough in hell for you;

Posted on June 10, 2019 by Risque

Of course, she was right, if one asked Risque, she was right about... everything. If she said the sky was purple it damn well better be considered purple. That fickle vampire woman loathed being wrong about whatsoever. She noticed with that hawk-like gaze that sliced toward Darcy, noticing that his mind seemed occupied. About what? What was so important that wasn't here in the flesh, standing next to him bathed in moonlight? How his worship has been deemed not just acceptable and welcome, but a must. When she wanted his attention wholly upon her, she demanded it. She knew his tale, that family reduced to nothing but decayed bones by now. It was almost a pity he wasn't the one to snuff out their lives. Perhaps... she even found it disappointing that he hadn't done what she had done to her own, severing the chords to her own weakness. She knows Darcy would do it now if she asked it of him, but that family was serving nothing but ghosts in his mind now. She knows, or so she fools herself that he would do so without hesitation. That is what she admires most of all, that cold hard ruthlessness that could swallow him whole. That bitterness to his tone did not go unnoticed and perhaps she even felt its ugly tendrils too.. Yet... she was done with feeling anything for that family.. even that inner loathing. "Of course." She uttered sharply in response to his words, not taking to his wording in the slightest. "When was the last time I was wrong about anything?" A trap... a wicked little one. One that he was far too smart to stumble into, but there all the same, just in case she caught him off guard.

That wine was a good distraction, one she would find herself content enough to relish within for now. All that talk had left her parched and this particular woman with a dried mouth for long, started to crave for something more. Risque did not take kindly to any form of discomfort unless she willed it. A dry mouth would only serve to rouse those more violent tendencies that coiled deep within the surface. However, while she enjoyed that wine upon the moonlit rooftop, she expected... a show. One Darcy had obliged. To allow that weakness show was nothing short of perilous and yet, she so enjoyed making him work for her. In more ways than one. Darcy surely knew this and in a moment after serving her that much-desired wine, he moved with lightning speed and dexterity to see him perched upon the wrought iron railing. His balance perhaps parallel to a feline. She paces along that railing then, considering, prowling, and perhaps satisfying that very need that made her feel like trapped creature within her own skin. That irritation she was prone to welling up within her when remaining far to idle for long... Like a locked up animal in a cage seeking its way out, those movements sinuous and methodical. That steady click of her heels colliding with the asphalt, in tune with the very sway of her hips. Darcy's silence only meant that he watched her, as she always knew his attention had always seemed to fall upon her like a magnetic lure wreaking havoc upon his body and mind. The she-vampire hardly had to turn her head to catch a glimpse of those wanting eyes. or he was attempting to figure out that complex conundrum ahead of him. It was the beginning of those shifting cars below began to clink and whine as they were dissected and rearranged in his desired way. What he was making was entirely confusing at best, until that beast slowly took shape. He built it on a whim with such care as though he could see those blueprints within his mathematically inclined mind. How focused his face appeared, commanding those parts with seamless ease. There was no strain written upon his face, perhaps a set jaw.

The feline reared up upon that ledge, that impressive height easily met, that sheer size alone with remarkable. Darcy easily stepping down from his podium, hardly looking affected from that exertion of power. How much more was he capable of? She surely intended to find out. She hardly thought of the toll it would have had upon Darcy to create such a mean machine, in fact, she simply expected it of him. Power bred power and Risque had set her lover up to be a remarkable force, a gift she so hardly allowed many under her rule. She so often stifled that growth, keeping them meek and small. She watches as that mechanical feline move, it truly looked like a steampunk masterpiece. She moves to examine the beast.

"Hmm.. and you can get it to do... anything? So long as your conscious and possess the strength?" She was searching for weaknesses within its design. Its greatest weakness was Darcy's own weakness. If Darcy were rendered unconscious or distracted for even a moment that hold with relent. That was the difference of her power, the longer that sway lingered it spread like a disease, sinking deeper and deeper until they were fully hers. That machine so peered at her, its expression taking on that of one of her felines. She does not hesitate, not in the slightest, she did not fear any machine.. even one as impressive as this one. Yet... possibility rings clear within her mind. She presses on those blade like spears, her skin parting beneath it. The scent of her blood flooding her own nostrils, as she inhaled.. Darcy's warnings fallen into the submissive night, ignoring him as if mesmerized with those murderous weapons. Careful... that word ricocheted through her mind. Was he questioning her? She allowed that stifled scoff slip from her lips. She does not allow her own sadistic musings to slip, not for a tendril of a second. She marks that feline's face like warpaint, christening it with her very blood. How she so demanded to see its true capabilities beyond parlor tricks. That she-devil so craving to see it hunt.

Darcy was quick to pick up that insinuation upon her tongue. She turned from her thorough examination of that feline, to lean against the rail, peering down at her own hand, that wound already trying to seal by her own quick healing. Darcy was quick not to allow her to wait, placing that call with Randall with immediate ease and decisiveness that she desired. She allowed her fingertip from her other hand to trace along that deep gouge upon her very hand, that metal was far sharper than she anticipated and yet it seemed to please hear. It would have been disappointing if it were anything but. That call was made quickly before that phone disappeared within his pocket just as quick as it appeared before that explanation soon followed. "Sounds like grounds for a cull, he seems like nothing but trouble than he's worth. A waste of blood that the others will need more than dead weight." She states so simply, lacking any kind of concern for this very choice.

In an instant, that creature took off and melted into the inky black shadows across that street, lost within that concealed cover from the pine trees, near expertly. It was amusing how it was able to shape its very body to fit through those trees. It only but a moment Max, thank lanky young teenager had joined them upon that roof. His presence was hardly worth being up here. Risque rarely allowing anyone up here in the first place. Risque's lips twitched then as if unimpressed with him already, he chewed that gum loudly. Gum.. that very thing she had considered a pet peeve. The last thing Syn needed was another teenager and that boy's presence already sealed his fate.

Darcy had chosen well.

Risque's eyes narrow at the youthful boy's insolent response. What a fatal response that deserved reprimand. She could destroy that little punk one handed.. How dare he stand there and defy her so openly! Darcy was quick to put him in his place and yet something about what he said, caused a much-earned look to befall him. Did he just say her powers could not retrieve a cat that had scurried across the road? Those fangs flash in warning, a growl threatening to unleash and teach both of them a lesson in what her powers could do. Yet Darcy's attention remained on the boy, playing into that rouse he concocted to send that boy to his very demise. Once the boy muttered something under his breath, he went over that railing, she waits until the boy landed to the concrete before. "I can't summon my own cat, can I?" She challenged darkly. The boy moved across that road, his posture agitated for having to run a fool errand.. silly boy.. he thought his worth was more than a fool. Someone thought highly of themselves.

"No more teenage vampires.." Risque hissed suddenly with distaste. She was quite certain Cobain and this boy could have been friends.. How teenagers were colloquially referred to as a thorn in her ass. Perhaps she would do best to just kill them on sight from this point forward. It would seem it was time for the games to begin, those pawns set in place. Risque almost eager for that very show that was about to occur, as Darcy drummed his fingers upon that railing, while she remained impossibly still. She listens for that first sound of a scuffle. That was when the scene unfolds and the first of Max's pitiful screams were drowned out by the rancorous roar of that mechanical cat whose eyes ignited into a blinding light, a spotlight upon its intended target. That cat moved quickly, snapping into motion, sending that youthful vampire flying across the road. Risque could hardly help that amused sound that crosses the very threshold of her lips as she so leaned into that railing. A dazzling display of entertainment!

Seeing that mechanical feline move from those parted trees was predatory perfection, there was an eager tension that steadily built in those agonizing moments. One that Risque herself was not immune to, that show was igniting those predacious appetites snapping hungrily within her. That wine doing little to sate those baser desires. That hunger uncoiling as that beast lurked just beneath her surface stirring as that hunt transpired. Max's body already bruised from being tossed around like a ragdoll from that impressively strong creature. Her tongue running along her lips in clear hunger as that cat began to move, its claws sinking into the cement for traction, causing a chunk of the road to be uncorked in the ground. That destruction only appealing to the vampire queen more. That attack was meeting a peak and she was prepared for it. It was serving to be no disappointing show and she found herself wanting to get a closer look, to immerse herself in the impending carnage below. Those pleading cries from Max only fueled the sinister promise of what that metal feline's purpose. "Oh, you see that Darcy? he thinks we care.." The vampire below attempted to dodge that monstrosity of a creation, barely missing its quick strikes. "I think it's cute that little chicken-legged boy is trying." It only made for more of that show she so anticipated. She grips onto that railing, her grip tightening as she leans forward, her back naturally arching, that clear display of interest. Her gaze ripping from that scene below as that creature bellowed. Darcy.. seemed quiet in his fixated reverie. Her pale eyes watch that intense concentration upon his face, was that a sheen of sweat upon his brow? There was no doubt that he was straining in order to control that cat. She wondered if he could complete the deed. She rose a brow before that thunderous sound escaped that monster's lipless mouth. It echoed off the walls and caused Risque's gaze to return to the show once more and away from Darcy's exertion, for now.

Her voice had almost seemed sympathetic, amusement flickering within her glowing eyes. "Poor Max... I am afraid my new metal pet is not listening to me.. try playing dead.. I hear that works wonders.." She called down toward that poor boy who had been thrown from a hefty blow of that powerful tail flick fueled only by the momentum of its whole body spinning rapidly. The impact alone would have killed a human. That feline was methodical much like the way her Darcy moved toward its intended prey. It was ready for that deathblow even though Max was not, that purr-like grating sound near vibrating through her, that sensation appealing to her then. Maybe it was that intoxicating promise lingering precariously in the air like perfume, that anticipation nothing short of desirable. Risque bit her lower lip in that moment, her fangs piercing that thin skin as those final screams echoed, that violent sound was nothing short of tantalizing music.

Max was sliced open, his wound splayed open like a wicked mouth. That feline still took its time with its prey, playing with it, spraying his blood everywhere. Messy.. Darcy knew her tastes. This whole scene clearly seeking more of her approval and it was working. It caught the fleeing vampire by the foot, slicing right through that bone and sinew it as if it were nothing, all before it snatched the broken vampire within its jaws. The cat then turned toward Risque showing off its prize, its expression almost lifelike. "Do it Darcy.. end it! I want to see it end him.." There was something nearly excited in her voice and yet that demand ever apparent, she reached out to grip his arm them. Before she could finish those words that chainsaw sound flooded her ears and Risque seemed almost surprised. What was that sound?? Was it supposed to do that? Oh it would be a pity if it broke now.. of all times. It had to be right when she was anticipating that brutal end... But then something rather unexpected happened.. That man was suddenly grounded like pulverized meat chips! He scattered everywhere, well what was left of him, that shower of carnage indiscriminately brutal. It even spattered the walls below her, a small piece even landing upon her hand. Rare laughter escaped her, a rare sound, her voice thick with hunger.

"That was an absolutely murderous show. We need to do this again... But I see it has taken its toll on you, you aren't capable of anything else are you... You aren't going to pass out on me?" She cooed, her lips still smiling, those words nothing short of antagonizing.

There was not much left of youthful faced Max as that machine abomination had all but ground his body to a thorough pulverized ruin, bone, muscle, sinew, fat and meat alike. As parts of him splattered everywhere, it was impossible to deduce what was what. There were no vacant eyes to peer into the abyss, there was simply nothing left. All for some sick sport that Risque watched with an eagerness, that quirk on her mouth curling her sinful ruby lips in an upward tilt while those pale hypnotic eyes watch on. Her hands gripped onto the that cold rail, as Max was reduced to nothing but cat food now. Pate.. Max had become pate. The thought amused her greatly. She chuckled darkly at her own joke.

Predators so easily sensed weakness within one another, it was driven into them, and the oldest of those vampires excelled at that very notice the further from their humanity they strayed. Her pale eyes so quickly honed into the way he leaned into that rail for support, that sharp cunning gaze snapped in place noticing the very toll those powers had taken on him. Exertion radiated from him even as he so tries to hide it from her, but he could not hide this from her, as she is drawn to it if only to choose when to strike. She was unsure if it was animating the cat that was the most taxing or the creation of it itself. She allows her mind to mull this over if only for a moment. The more he tried to hide it, the more fascinated she became with him. How broken was he... Did he have the strength to struggle, or was all of his strength sapped. Their eyes locked for a moment in that silent exchange of wordless words and she could feel her body start to coil even as that casual but fleeting enjoyment spread across her face. His voice shattered that darkness in her mind for a moment, pulling her out of the recesses of corruption and domination if only just enough. "Better get the new ones used to the taste of vampire now..." It was no surprise that vampire flesh hardly tasted good and was an acquired taste... She would train them to be man-eating beasts in no time. That mechanical cat moved deceptively like its authentic counterparts as if cleaning itself from the gore it shed. How peculiar it was. Twisted and wrong, yet.... Risque liked it. She could not control that beast, the woman hardly liked to rely on anyone else for her own enjoyment. Perhaps one night, she might demand he let her take it for a joyride on that mechanical creation..

Those remaining large cats moved to snatch the pieces of ground-up flesh that they could, wary and darting away the moment they could. The tiger emerging first, bolder than the others. She would need to test the capacity of that later. They still kept a wide birth of that machine, even as it descended to the ground to lay down, those headlight eyes dimming then as if to symbolize its idleness.

Such buried potential she was sure to uncover like a present just for her. "For a first attempt, not bad at all." She confirmed, her mind contemplating something, tasting it. "As you age... and use those powers you won't feel that same level of exertion as you do now.." There it was, that calling out that in which he tries to conceal from her, truly he should know better.. She could sense that proverbial blood in the figurative water a mile away. Her pale hypnotic blue eyes gleam in anticipation, her body now turning toward him, her entire attention wholly upon her love now. Her hand placed on her hip as it jutted out so slightly. That mention that she had blood on her ear that she hadn't noticed in the thrall of that execution as he easily reached out to remove it in a nearly strikingly gentle and charming gesture. There were few who would dare try and touch her, especially like this. His hand lingered for but a moment too long, as he so dotes upon his mistress. That was when she struck. Her hand snapping from her hip to seize him just because she could, just as he pulled away. No he didn't. She had half a mind to have him upon the floor on his knees just to see him in that pleasing stance, his weakness amusing her. She leans in then, her movements intentional. "Perhaps this war machine is not meant for this war..." She taunts him, her voice melodious taking on that sultry tone, that rebellious wind threatening to carry those lyrics off into oblivious. She almost expects to see that flare of defiance once more. She drew his wrist downward to her lips, her lips near brushing against to where his veins lay beneath his translucent skin. Like a give to be unwrapped. Her breath trickling out against him as she spoke against him. "But I do intend to try something tomorrow night.. but I need you at full strength.." She hummed cryptically, her voice thick with a chuckle that never escaped her. Her predatory eyes peering at him, locked on her intended prey before kissing that inner wrist in a languid fashion, demanding his complete surrender. Simply because she wanted it, that gaze never leaving his as her tongue slips out to tastes that nonexistent pulse. All before suddenly releasing that firm grip, her own hand falling once more to her side. What she could do to him this depleted, it pleases her, she allowed that devious look to cross her own mask. It drove a thought surging through her mind, delighting her senses. "What I could do to you.. if you were human.." That satisfaction hummed through her then.

As though it never happened he seemed to examine that blood from Max that managed to disgrace her own flesh, pinching it between his two fingers in assessment before bringing it to his lips. She flashes her fangs in a snarl of distaste at the mention of Max's treachery, there was no room for a thief amongst their ranks. He would not be remembered, his memory would wash out in a few days like fresh blood stain on fabric. Risque so offhandedly examined her nails as though sensing some unseen grime upon them, while her mind considers the worst. Darcy fed into exactly what he knew would never arise suspicion within the she-devil. After all, who was one weak vampire lost in the grand scheme of things? "I didn't like his insolence either, how dare he tell me to summon a cat for myself if I willed him to do it. I will tolerate no thieves within my ranks, he got what was coming to him. It is a shame there is nothing left of him to serve as a reminder to the others. Perhaps... next time." There always was a next time.. There was a twisted satisfaction edging within her voice knowing there was always another Max to punish, always another source for her ire to strike down. As much as it irritated her, it also pleased her in that twisted way. That mention of mince meat seemed to be a fitting remark, it amusing her more than it should. "Mince meat, I could not agree with you more.. the cats will enjoy finding scraps for a time." She mused, leaning back from him then, her eyes catching sight of a bloody pink morsel... "Was this his gum?" She rose her brow, her lip peeling back in disgust. "I never found the appeal.. in gum..."

The sky slowly began accumulate thick grey clouds, slowly building into that impending storm, you could taste that thickness in the air. She pauses musing out loud. "Hm.. its about that time.." She had procured a little sometimes special that had entered the bar, a delightfully smelling morsel from Germany. It was no surprise that Risque had exotic taste, entirely picky with her blood supply. "I hadn't intended on sharing.. But you have pleased me with your murder machine.. You must be hungry too, no?" She rose a brow at him in question. Of course, he was, his system all but depleted no matter how much her undead cowboy tried to hide it. She knew him, after all, had she not hindered him exhausted whenever she indulged in him?

"Stay put." She demanded, expecting him to listen, slipping away into her boudoir where she had a little morsel stashed away inside.

Risque soon returned from her room, along with a bound and gagged human man dragging behind her, attached to a short rope. The large imposing man moved with struggling feet, managing to remain standing if only for fear being his reasoning alone. That smell an intoxicating lure that she savoured with a deep inhale as she sharply pulled her walking blood bag. She stops in front of Darcy, that knowing expression firmly in place as she gave those introductions, despite how little it mattered, the man most likely going to survive another night within the cement walls of Syn. The vampire had no desire to keep him for long, a mere toy to satisfy her need of sustenance and those masochistic tendencies. "German tourist.. I've been keeping him alive since last weekend.. He even screams with an accent, I find it..... endearing. Watch.." She spoke simply like she were mere talking of one of her favoured sports cars.

She deftly removes that gag when suddenly the man screams as if on cue, his voice hoarse from lack of use. Risque only had to move to touch his skin, allow her nails to barely dance across his solid arms to prompt that delightful cry. How violently he tried to thrash violently about, looking more like a strangely dancing snake with his arms bound... One could see the existing bite marks that peppered his exposed skin, just wearing his undergarments, a black wifebeater paired with loose fitting boxers. Those bites not all intended to eat but more obviously to elicit pain and perhaps, to insert that venom within his bloodstream. All of which included the intricate slice marks that scabbed over in unique patterns like a van Gogh, she doodled on a note pad made of flesh. It wasn't exactly a secret of her expertise in knife play or the way in which the vampire queen enjoyed playing with her food. "Shut up, Hans." She uttered that made up name, not caring for his real one. The man whimpered, pitiful driveling sounds as fresh sobs wracked his large frame, those screams melding into the other. He already knew those threats that would come if he didn't obey. It always tickled her with the big ones fell apart.

Her eyes pry away from her food if only to meet Darcy's mismatched gaze. "I would say he has just about served his purpose.. One last service couldn't hurt." she states with an easy saccharine insouciance, her nails digging into the human's flesh where she held him in place. It didn't take long for them to know their place, not under her expert hands.

"Drink with me. I need you to regain your strength and that demonstration made me famished."
