Why did he keep looking at her like that...like she was some ghost of Christmas past? Nadya's chest burned from the turmoil within her. The lack of feeling a pack bond only further pained the Were within. Her brother informed her that the previous ship had sank but it gave little clue to how long she had really been gone. Surely if she had been gone years she would remember? The woman had to shake her head to keep down that burning energy that she kept feeling threatening to explode. It was an odd sensation and one she also didn't remember.
Nadya dutifully followed her brother into one of the guest rooms, luxurious, yet lacking the homey feel of someone's lived-in quarters. She took that moment to look out the floor length window at the calm waters and let that same tranquility wash into her. At least she could get a moment to gather herself here, even if it was just for a night. Perhaps she would remember things after a good night's rest. Slowly she perched herself on the edge of the plush bed and asked after the woman named Mira. Her brother, ever the stoic, replied simply that the other woman was pack. "Pretty name." Nadya offered softly. There had to be something else behind the reason for the new pack member but Nadya wasn't about to question her brother further. She knew how closed off he could be and honestly she was too busy trying to wrap her head around the lack of her memories.
Despite Aiden's wish to call someone named Frost to come get her, it was the last thing she wanted to do right now. Surely her brother could grant that wish and not have some stranger take her away. At least he would be a stranger to her. Frost- what kind of name was that anyways?! Nadya shook her head at Aiden's continued insistence about her knowing this man and began to tremble and speak even before Aiden had finished. "I don't...nothing is going on...I don't know anyone named Frost-" that flare of energy rose again within her and the items on the bedside table began to vibrate as Nadya's fingers knotted in the fabric of the bedspread beside her, "I don't have any kids!" Panic gripped her as the pain in her head throbbed and Nadya bolted from the bed to the bathroom.
Nadya felt like the air was being pulled from her lungs and her chest and head would surely explode any minute. Instead, as she gripped the edge of that countertop in pain, it was the energy that unleashed, the mirror and shower which had begun to vibrate now exploded along with every article along the vanity. Fuck! She didn't even remember having a power like that! What was going on?! Even as the bathroom seemed to explode around her, Nadya could only shout in pain and grip her head to stumble backward against the opposite wall and sink down to the floor with her eyes clamped shut. Nadya hadn't even registered over the pain in her head the blood slithering down her skin where exploding glass had sliced her in various spots. Every time she attempted to remember something it only brought on more pain. All Nadya wanted to do was curl up and cry in confusion.
Nadya Tetradore