Despite Tetradore's all together hatred of the matter, his efforts to ensure his companion's cleanliness were becoming quite the weekly affair. He had only just decided to take up the mantle of ensuring some kind of sanitation with in the deviant's dingy world though even after all the trouble and flailing, Tetradore had quickly decided that he hardly had it within him to do such things more then once exactly every seven days. It was perhaps this struggle with dirt and grime that caused Tetradore to particularly linger within the warm that cascaded down upon the facet, washing away the days event's from his naked figure. There was something about the heat that the were-panther had always found himself drawn to. The summer days where the ones he always longed to go out and in the winter he was content to never see the light of day if he could remain curled up in front of the fire. After all, there was a love of water that ran within his specie's veins. It was perhaps no surprise then that he remained entirely content to dawdle, despite the lanky man that was awaiting him outside his door.
The were panther was entirely oblivious to the silent opening of the bathroom door, allowing his precious heat to escape through the cracks. He had his back to the entry way as he reached up with one hand to ruffle his lock dark locks, ensuring all the shampoo was down the drain. He didn't notice the hand that snaked into the shower until it was far too late. The icy cold slammed into his skin, sending needles through him as goosebumps quickly appeared on every inch of his body. A startled yelp left his lips before, in a very feline fashion, Tetradore bolted from the shower as if Hell itself was on his heels. "What the fuck?!" He yelled, even though the culprit was already long gone. A growl crossed the man's lips as he grabbed his towel, wrapping it around himself before emerging from the bathroom with a narrowed gaze. Unlike his companion, the ruining of a perfectly good shower wasn't something the man could easily forgive.
Tobias almost innocent remark earned him nothing more then a snort, his hand reaching out to lightly bat the boy's head as he passed him, moving towards the dresser that held the clothes he had failed to bring into the bathroom with him. "Yeah, right." He grumbled at the mention of the rug and his command to stay exactly in the same place that Tetradore had left him. The mention of leaving the Ark, however, caused him to turn his head, his emerald eyes peering over at the deviant with a glimpse of surprise upon his masculine features. "In this weather?" He inquired, a small frown crossing his lips. His gaze drifted to the window, watching the weather outside rather then putting on the shirt that dangled from his fingertips. In fact, it wasn't until his name left Tobias' lips that Tetradore turned, continuing what he was doing as the boy spoke. A small snort left his noise at the mention of his child hood fantasies, ones that he had long since forgotten.
"Hate to break it to you Tobias, but we're already all grown up." He pulled the shirt over his head, ignoring the boy's efforts to antagonize him in the same fashion that he always did when it came to how quickly his dressing was done. "But...I grew up and got a race car..." He added, referring to the sports car they'd stolen from the previous owner. "So I don't see how we can't get you a rocket to science...or turn you into a slipper." He suspected that Tobias knew neither what the term 'rocket scientist' or 'slipper' really meant. In fact he suspected he could provide the boy a rock and all would be well. Still, if such things were necessary to complete their childhood dreams, Tetradore was more then willing to make some effort to see them unfold.