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Posted on May 09, 2014 by Ezzy

They were...playing?

Feline spheres sparked with confusion and interest... and other more complex emotions I dare not name. Cats by nature were solitary creatures, aside from those select few subspecies such as Lions or Cheetahs. Weres were a different story if only because the need for social interaction was so deeply ingrained in the human mentality. It was two drastically different instincts warring with one another.

But even as a human, I'd been deprived of such simple, trivial luxuries. Forced to grow up too soon, being the sole offspring of two Weres that had come together in passing, and had just as quickly moved on with their lives. They had not been mates, my mother and father. Just a casual fling that had resulted in a Love Child, which my father has never met and for whom I'm not even certain if he is aware of my existence. Mother was an opportunist, always looking for someone or something to dominate her, something to keep her in her place. Too bad most of them were deadbeat drunks and wife-beaters... sleezeballs not even worthy of the dirt between my padded toes. I never understood her compulsion to submit to human men...filthy creatures far less superior to something of such untameable power. And yet she allowed them to leash her, to collar her and treat her with less respect then they would a house cat. Of course, none of them knew what she really was. Not that any of that matters now.

The only thing that mattered was how deeply her actions had effected me during my upbringing. I was not afforded the priveledge of having friends. I did not trust people, especially humans. Human children were cruel, quick to point out the state of my tattered, unwashed clothes, the wild hair my mother never bothered to brush, the scrapes and cuts that marred my body from days running wild through the alleys, happier to sleep curled beneath a dumpster or in the woods outside of town than to be subject to more abuse from my mother's boyfriends. At least most of the bruises left from their calloused hands were in places left unseen by public eyes.

I was deemed socially unacceptable by my peers from a very young age, and as they turned their backs on me, I in turn, shut out the world. For me, it had been like watching life through a window or cinema screen. Always present but not really there. Not really Apart. I was never asked to join in recess games. Never invited to a birthday party or asked on a date or prom. Now as an adult, I suffered high anxiety anytime I was forced into a large crowd. I became agitated, quick to anger and lash out, and frankly did whatever I could to avoid contact with others.

The very notion of play was nearly as alien to me as the darkside of the moon. But watching the trio, I felt some inner part of me stir. Some part of me, that had it known what I'd been missing, might have felt longing. A yearning for something so far out of my reach, it was inconcieveable. As it was, this feeling that tingles in my gut is more akin to quizzical curiosity. A desire to understand something I did not. The concept of 'Family' or 'Pride' had been one I was never introduced to. To see it play out before me now was.... strange.

In my contemplative thoughts, I'd zoned out and neglected to notice the raise of alarm in the posture of the three big cats. Now as my attention refocuses upon them, it is to find two standing side by side, eyes piercing the dark studiously.

Shit. I'd lost sight of the third. I glanced around, but there was no sign of the brute... I should retreat to the safety of my cabin before I'm discovered. I turn to go,

~Of The Feline Persuasion ~ Runs with No Pride ~ My King Cat Daddy~ 30 Lives Lived~ My 6th Sense is Biographic Aptitude ~ "Speaks Like This"


  • ezzy - By Luc on May 09, 2014 at 8:50 AM

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