
The east side of the city is the very heart of Sacrosanct - it's unique skyline is a clash between modern sky rises and small Victorian-inspired storefronts. In the heart of downtown, the sleek colored glass buildings reign supreme though their old-world roots can be seen in the most peculiar places from the lamp post styled electric street light to the stone sidewalks. The old world architecture slowly returns the further from downtown you travel, however. It's here that magic thrives, it hums in every stone and can be felt in every breath. Often, newcomers to the city may become overwhelmed by such sensations but, eventually, it becomes an ever-present feeling that's hardly noticed.

What You'll Find Here

City Creek Center
Dark Hunter Department
Inner Sanctum
Red on the Water
Starlight Tower

mukashi mukashi

Posted on February 13, 2019 by yumi chizue

It was only once the Dark Hunters had vanished into the depths of that foggy night that the demure vampire found herself breathing a soft, delicate sigh of relief. How she had dreaded the very idea of coming face to face with their kind - those killers perhaps the only thing she feared worse than the warlocks and witches that haunted her mind. Her chocolate eyes followed the large hulking form of the ivory bear as his now twitched and sniffed at the ground in her all too limited yard. It was the glimpse of red that saw her eyebrows furrow and, in turn, the corner of her lips flickered downwards though she had scarcely a moment to dwell upon it before the large mammal was making his way towards her, lured by some clearly alluring scent. The wood of the townhome all but groaned under his weight as the bear's huge figure slowly shuffled up each of those steps and towards the pair of French Doors just off the kitchen. She watched as his hot breath fogged up the windows, those nutmeg eyes clearly peering into the depths of her home with an expectant sort of gaze. "Oh." She muttered, that realization of the creature's desires quite blatantly striking her. Tentatively, her petite frame moved around him, the girl almost...uncertain if this was a good idea and yet, she could hardly leave the bear that had so saved her outside with such a multitude of Hunter's afoot.

Sluggishly, the lithe woman moved around the large bear, slowly opening those double doors to allow him access, even though she bid him to wait just a moment in an effort to assist the creature in finding some sort of room in what was another wise small living space. She tried to move those side tables, pushing them towards the coffee table which, in turn, was all but shoved against the sofa and yet, even with her abrupt attempts to Tetris the furniture before his entrance, the space was still...tight for someone of his size. The bear, however, seemed nothing short of single-minded, that space entirely ignored as he moved with purpose, unperturbed by where his feet might fall on her wooden floors. She watched with ever-increasing concern as the large bear continued to follow his nose, sniffing at the wooden floors only to abandon that safe living room entirely in favor of her rather bare kitchen. The demure girl winced as one of the kitchen table chairs clattered loudly to the ground, the sound alone echoing in the quiet space before a second chair followed suit, knocked over by the creature's hip. An audible gasp left Chizue's lips as she rushed towards that little nook, attempting to right those chairs only to push them against the wall and out of the way of the bear. After all, this was not her furniture! The last thing she wanted was for any piece to break!

It was only once those chairs were fixed and moved that the young woman turned her attention back to the sounds of shuffling in her cabinet. It wasn't long before the contents of her pantry began to fall loudly to the ground, causing her to wince with each crash. It was her own gaze lingering so fiercely upon the bear that made her realize that glimpse of crimson all over again. Slowly, Chizue moved towards the creature, taking advantage of its distraction within her pantry to more astutely study that wound. The scent of that blood was all but potent to the little vampire, even though she had no interest in feeding upon it. Gingerly, her hand reached out to brush against the all too sensitive flesh that surrounded that wound as the girl insisted they needed to tend to it. That very pressure, slight though it was, clearly was enough to earn her the full attention of the bear, though the sound that reverberated from deep within his throat all but tore her heart in two. "I know it hurts....but we can't leave that bullet in there either, okay?" She insisted, though the bear hardly seemed terribly inclined to listen. His head disappeared back into the kitchen as she heard the audible sound of cardboard...oh dear. What had he gotten into? That small sound and the sudden shift was enough to send the girl stumbling backward in a clear effort to give the creature room, only for the bear to attempt some sort of turn in that tight kitchen. Thank goodness her counters were near bare!

She watched with widened eyes as the bear move into her living room, crashing into the furniture as he di so. The very last thing she anticipated, however, was the sudden snapping of wood. The very sight of that wooden plank sudden sticking out of her floor caused a gasp on her lips as her hand raised in clear horror. No, no, no! This could not be happening! "Oh! No -ple..." She never quite finished that sentence before the large bear flopped on the floor, nearly causing her whole home to shudder, accompanied by the cracking and breaking of the coffee table. For a moment, Chizue was wholly taken back by the sheer amount of destruction the bear had caused to her home as those teeth ripped and tore through her box of Asian sweets. How was she going to fix this?! She didn't have the funds to fix the floors! At least, not in this currency and the very idea of going to Isolt and Damon to admit that she had treated her Supreme's home so....so...monstrously was enough to cause her chocolate eyes to near glisten with tears. Tonight had not at all gone as she had planned! She should have just stayed home where she was safe. A soft sniffle left her nose as she reached up, trying to wipe away any wetness. After everything she'd been through of late, it was difficult not to let those tears come but...he still needed her help. Something needed to be done about that wound. She watched as his lips peeled back to expose those large daunting canines and briefly, Chizue found herself wondering, as she approached the bear, whether or not he would reconsider eating her when she tried to pull that bullet from his wound.
