Sebastian EllingtonI need to feel you again, feel my lips on your skin
for one night I could be him, no, I could be better
All too clearly with want did the vampire's hips grind into those of his companion, a soft sound leaving his lips at that breathy groan that reverberated from Dorian's throat. He could feel the fairy's lust in more ways than just one and surely it too fed his own. His teeth graced against the tender flesh of Dorian's neck before his incisors bit down just enough to draw from his skin the blood that Sebastian so particularly craved. Oh dear god that blood! It was decidedly sweet to the taste, reminding him entirely of that taste he'd first received when he licked the trickle from Darien's nose - but this, Dorian tasted far different. He tasted purer in every sense of the word. It was nearly overwhelming, this flavor and oh how much he wanted more. Sebastian could feel Dorian squirm beneath him, just as he too could feel the pulsating of Dorian within his fingertips as he reached that point of utmost satisfaction. He could hear his name on Dorian's lips but all it brought was another rush of blood within his mouth that all too eagerly accepted every ounce that he could safely take. It was a challenge - for the first time, in a long time, it was a challenge to pull his lips from the man's neck. But he had made a promise. He pulled away slightly, his tongue gingerly licking the holes that he had left behind, as if somehow encouraging them to heal and cease the slow stream he had started.
"J'ai essayé." (I tried.) He muttered softly against the neck of his companion and yet for Sebastian, this simple consumption of the fae's untainted life force had it's own lingering effects upon the man. The world somehow now seemed clearer, sharper even, as if the whole world was somehow in HD where it was but fuzzy before. His senses were heightened in that moment, he could hear every breath that his companion took, he could hear his heart pounding in his chest and in that haze of life, Sebastian hardly resisted the touch of his companion as he leaned back upon the silken sheets. In truth, he hadn't expected the fashion at which Dorian had taken it upon himself to see too that the vampire had found his own sort of satisfaction, his body instantly reacting to Dorian's touch as a groan left his lips. Now, with Dorian's blood coursing through his veins, his entire being as somehow more sensitive the he had been before. His endurance was extraordinarily lacking at the touch of Dorian's tongue upon his flesh. It hardly took long at all before Sebastian felt that same rush of pleasure, providing the fairy with exactly what he had sought and, for a long moment, the vampire remained still beneath the sheets, his own breath ragged and his body exhausted.
It was Dorian's baritone lyrics that finally broke the silence and slowly, Sebastian's now brighter hued eyes turned towards the man, one eyebrow raising in a hint of inquisitiveness. He hardly bothered to question the man, however, merely waiting as Dorian made himself more comfortable, his fingertips gingerly brushing against his chest. Slowly, Sebastian's brows rose even more as Dorian continued, the Englishman hardly oblivious of the title 'King'. Quite on the contrary, the world of the royalty and the high class had once been his forte. The scandals, the intrigue, the sex, he had excelled it in it till his untimely death. London's most sought after bachelor killed by a god damned child. Still, he hardly lingered on such thoughts long, instead merely drawing upon those old far too ingrained conduct that was surely required of him - given the situation he found himself within. "You do me an honor, your grace." He uttered softly in response, his fingertips slowly raising to brush against Dorian's though innately he knew well not to get too attached to the fae. He wasn't supposed to find such enjoyment from his victims - especially those of royal bloodline. It would not end well for him.
"You are awfully far from your kingdom." Sebastian spoke again after a moment, an almost quizzical glance given to the fairy. "In all the world, why come here?" He questioned, his head tilting ever so slightly to the side. After all, Sebastian had taken to exploration with his continued age, never staying too long within a specific city or town. This metropolis was just a blip on his map and yet, he suspected that perhaps was not entirely the case for his companion.