
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery

you will be mine tonight

Posted on January 09, 2018 by Damon Marcello

Before Isolt, violence and chaos was all Damon knew. He took what he wanted when he wanted. He could persuade a human to walk into a public place with him and cut her own wrist, bleeding herself into a wine glass just for him so he didn't have to go anywhere to get a snack. He'd do it many times before. Human lives meant next to nothing to him. At least, they did when his humanity switch turned off. Killing was easy for him, natural. So dispatching those vampires that meant to harm Arlo and Isolt was easy for him. Easier than easy. He didn't see Arlo as the fighting type so he was surprised to see the younger vampire still standing there when all was said and done. Though he was pressed as close to that wall as he could get and he looked a little freaked out to be honest. Damon shrugged it off. At least he helped him out with Claire. A part of Damon didn't want him to of course. The part that wanted to rip her throat out with his teeth.

He saw Arlo's nod in response to him saying trouble found him and Damon chuckled at his agreement. Well at least he didn't try to deny it. He tried telling him that hunting alone was hard but Arlo just said that he was used to hunting alone and most of the time it worked. Damon nudged his head toward the bodies everywhere. "Until it doesn't." Then Arlo said that he would eat the coven and Damon gave him that knowing smirk to remind him of their time together in the club. He shook his head. "I have every confidence in your self control. I have a method that works after all." He winked playfully. Arlo listened as Isolt spoke of the coven and their leader, Xavier but then he turned to leave. Damon wasn't about to let him get out of their sight just yet. Who's to say he wouldn't just run into a pissed off Xavier on his way home?

He heard Arlo say something about joining and he shook his head. "No one said anything about joining. Just trying to save your neck...again." They got to the car and Arlo got in the back seat. Damon could sense the tension rising a little and he glanced up in the rearview mirror, watching Arlo. The scent of vampire blood was probably stronger in here. When they caught each other's gaze, Arlo was quick to look out the window, asking how it went down. Damon smirked. He was about to hit a button but Isolt beat him to it, hitting the button and allowing the cool night breeze into the car. He shrugged as they took off into the road heading to the tavern. He heard Arlo's next questions but felt those were more directed to Isolt since he didn't know this Xavier person off hand. He turned his gaze to Isolt as she drove.

She had seemed thoughtful after the battle, though he figured it had something to do with the new darker side of him that he had showed her. She shook her head at Arlo's questions but didn't say anything and Damon raised a brow in question. She held out her hand for the keys to the car and Damon didn't hesitate to lace them delicately in her palm. She alone was trusted with the car since it was hers to begin with. It was a gift from her, something that had meant a lot to her and her late brother. Damon would never turn her down on driving it and it seemed she needed a distraction tonight. She finally started to speak, saying Xavier would look for her at the tavern and she didn't want to be found in the middle of his coven's ashes. Damon listened, his gaze intent but not apologetic. He wasn't ashamed of what he'd done. Maybe he should be but he was protecting his future wife and a friend. He saw nothing wrong with what he did to those vampires. It was survival as far as he was concerned.

Then she pointed out how bloody her shoes were and Damon found himself smiling as he reached over to place a gentle hand on her thigh. "You pick them out and I'll buy them, love." All too soon they made it to Red on the Water and Isolt ushered them inside. They made their way to the bar and Damon took a seat as she went about grabbing glasses. He watched her intently. Usually he would push for her to sit so he could do it but the way she held herself as she did it seemed deliberate, as if she needed to be doing something rather than sitting with her thoughts. So Damon let her go about pouring the blood before biting her own wrist. He hissed air through his teeth in disapproval as she bled herself into the third glass and gave it to Arlo. He shouldn't be surprised that she knew enough about the younger vampire to know his certain tastes but the possessiveness in him was clawing at his insides, eager to rip Arlo's throat out for just looking at her blood. It was HIS. She was his. That blood was for him alone to enjoy during intimacy, not some cheap wine to hand out to those that had a taste for it.

"I could have bled anyone you desire for the same thing. Your blood is too important to be handing out as a delicacy." He spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully but there was murderous intent behind every syllable as he looked from Isolt to Arlo, the threat clear. He was about to do more on that violent promise when a sudden rapping at the door interrupted his tantrum. He watched Isolt go to the door, looking straight backed and proper but he didn't like it one bit. He should have been the one to answer the door. Who knocks on a the door of a public tavern? A prick, that's who. When she opened the door, he took in the tall man standing there and his head tilted, his lip already curling the instant the man gave her a smirk and let his eyes roam over her body like she belonged to him or something. Damon's anger was on a short leash as it was tonight so this was not going to cut it.

The lights flickered in the tavern as his hand tightened into a fist. He heard the man ask to speak to Isolt and he wanted to say over his damn body but she nodded, instantly taking charge and his eyes pierced both of them like daggers as she led the man toward the stairs. He caught Isolt's gaze, practically pleading with her to let him stand in there with her. She would need his protection, he had no doubt. If that man so much as looked at her wrong again....but her instant reaction was a slice to his heart. She didn't want him there. In fact, she was all but demanding him to stay put with her eyes. She was probably afraid he would ruin the negotiations and their chance at peace but he'd already decided he wanted no sort of peace with a man who looks at her like that. He would have Xavier's head by the end of the night, maybe the week if he wanted to draw it out a little more. He watched them head for the stairs, the growl dying in his throat but every muscle in his body was taut and ready for action. He gripped the glass of blood in one hand and the bar in the other. The bar was already groaning under his grip but the minute the door to the office shut, the glass in his hand shattered, along with half the lights in the tavern.

He didn't even flinch. He didn't care about the blood on the bar and on his clothes. He didn't care that Arlo probably thought he was a nut case. He only cared that HIS soon to be wife and mate was in that room with that man who looked at her like she belonged to him. That was unacceptable.
