
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery

my own form of CHAOS

Posted on December 27, 2018 by Damon Marcello

He'd mostly dismissed himself from the bedroom while Isolt got dressed cause he knew she hated him to see her struggle into clothing that used to fit like a second skin. He thought she looked breathtaking no matter what but she didn't want to part with any of her clothes even though he'd been gently hinting at getting her slightly bigger sizes in her current "condition." He didn't want to hurt her feelings but he could hear her grunting and moving around upstairs and he knew she was having a hard time. She yelled down that she was coming and he glanced at the stairs, wondering if he should go up there but he knew there wasn't anything he could do to help. None of his powers would magically make those pants fit. Finally she came down and he gave her his usual adoring smile, the gesture becoming more genuine after she plants a kiss on them.

She assured him that she was ready before lifting her shirt and he couldn't help the small smirk that tugged at his lips when he saw the hair tie holding the clasp together. He nodded. "We can pick some up on the way back if you want." He didn't mind shopping with her. He could even have them delivered to the house if she was too tired after. He knew the doctor would want her to relax. As she pouted about the jeans, he chuckled under his breath. "They'll fit again soon enough, love. You're just retiring them for a little while, is all." She told him the doctor they were going to see was a friend and he lifted a brow in suspicion the moment she said she was a witch. He could literally feel his gaze hardening a little the moment the word left her mouth but he glanced away for a moment, clearing his throat as he tried to compose himself.

Isolt was well aware of his loathing for all things magical after what they did to her. He might be able to hide some aspects of himself from her, but not his emotions. They were usually at their most raw around her. She asked him to be nice and he out his breath in a long sigh, running a hand through his hair as his jaw clenched. Finally he looked back at her and nodded. "Only for you, but if she gets any funny ideas about the baby..." His gaze darkens in promise. He didn't like not knowing what this witch's alliance might be. Who's to say she didn't work with New Eden in secret? He wouldn't let them have Isolt back. He would die first before that ever happened. He helped her to the car and drove as carefully as he could to the hospital.

As they walked in, the nurse at reception greeted Isolt by name, saying she didn't know Isolt was working. Damon's brow lifted and he glanced at his fiance's growing stomach as if to make sure it didn't disappear. Why would someone work in this condition? Was the lady blind? He rolled his eyes but tried to put on his polite smile as Isolt told the woman she was here to see Dr. Sawyer and called the lady Delores. He leaned in to whisper by her ear. "I think Delores needs her eyes checked. Don't you get good insurance for working here?" Even though his voice was almost gruff, his eyes had a mischeveous twinkle in them, letting her know that he was just being his usual sarcastic self. He took a seat by Isolt, his hand easily finding hers as his thumb caressed the back of her palm in a slow leisurely way like it was relaxing him as much as he was trying to soothe her.

His gaze swept the waiting room, ever alert just in case. He would know if someone came in here with ill intentions. As his blue gray eyes fell on the woman with her daughter, his lips twitched in mild amusement, about to turn them elsewhere when the little girl suddenly giggled, her eyes glued in his direction. He lifted a brow curiously, watching as she started waving at him. Snorting softly, he couldn't help the way his lips tugged up in the corners, eyes twinkling as he gave her a playful wink in response.
