
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery

for pleasure seldom has a cure

Posted on August 02, 2020 by SEBASTIAN ELLINGTON-ARAGONA

Sebastian Ellington-Aragona

His Royal Highness, Prince of Italy

The sound of her pounding heart seemed to reverberate within the vampire's otherworldly hearing, filling the silence of the darkened car. He was painfully aware of the anxiety that seemed to fill her petite figure, her very body tense even as it rested within his chilled embrace. He could feel her fingers curled tightly within the once well ironed fabric of his button down shirt. Her grip was undoubtedly causing wrinkles in that stark fabric and yet, Sebastian hardly cared for the fate of his clothing. It, after all, could be easily replaced. That silence that had settled between them, however, was broken by the Englishman's gentle inquiry into Alaric's location, if Carolina was even aware of it to begin with. He was, perhaps, unsurprised that she had been too terrified to keep tabs on the man that had enslaved her - those scars he'd left upon her had so clearly affected more than just her physique. How well Sebastian remembered the girl's disheveled, nearly paranoid state that night he'd ran into her months ago - when she was still striving to get her feet back on the ground. It made sense now, those peculiarities he'd noticed within the once confident woman.

Her attention to the now wet stain upon his shirt drew the weight of those crystalline irises downwards and towards the small wet spot. Her fingers brushed across his chest and yet, Sebastian merely shrugged off her concern nonchalantly. He was hardly oblivious to Carolina's efforts to return them to some level of gaiety and yet, he could hardly let the matter slip into the back of his consciousness, not when he held some desire that would surely assist in putting her at ease, should she accept it. The utterance of her name drew the young were-woman's gaze upwards and towards him, the teal of her eyes meeting his own. He hardly hesitated to admit what he desired of her. That distinctly French term left his lips with relative ease and yet, he preferred it over the English concept. Nevertheless, Sebastian was distinctly clear of what such an agreement might entail, at least providing her with a brief overview of what he both offered and expected in return. The Prince was...well aware of what he asked of her, much less how it might easily be construed as but another form of slavery to yet another master. He would hardly have been surprised if she outright rejected him and he hoped she might at least consider the proposal. It had been, after all, a very long time since he'd taken a woman into his fold outside of the family that had served him for generations.

Sebastian watched as her mouth parted yet, any words Carolina had considered offering him died upon those sweet heart lips, never to be heard. He said little, however, allowing her that time to contemplate all that such an agreement might uphold as her gaze astutely studied his features. The vampire was hardly prepared, admittedly, for the question Carolina finally asked of him, the girl holding his gaze for a moment before her eyes traveled downwards, her fingers tracing invisible patterns upon his chest. "You have been nothing but loyal and....discerning. Those are traits I highly value....and I like you." Sebastian paused before adding with a ghost of a simper upon his features. "Plus you taste of Banana'd be sweeter without all the alcohol but....we all have our vices." His shoulders lifted in a vague shrug, though he doubted she would understand how truly rare it was to find both a flavor he enjoyed in a combination of someone whose company he too held a liking for, much less who would keep his actions out of the limelight. It made her an invaluable commodity that kept him coming back for more.
