
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

i'd love to be a something to you

Posted on December 29, 2016 by abigail hughes

if these wings could fly for the rest of our lives
I didn't quiittee think this whole apple thing through. I mean, I didn't really consider how she might go about catching the apples or what she'd do once she did get them...besides, you know, the obviousness of EATING THEM. But, regardless, I hadn't quite really expected...well...anything! I mean, I was alllll the way up here and she was just kinda a big black blob down there beneath all those tree branches and leafy things so really, I didn't quite see how she'd managed to so solve this conundrum. I was too busy focusing on my apple hunt! more. I just needed one more! Then we'd have plenty. Hm...there's one! It looked like kind of a challenge but I was totally up for this. I could do it! Okay, so maybe I was a bit to over eager but I was determined! Me and my new friend needed it! We just....needed it! And soon enough, there I was, climbing up and up and up and upppp! The limb was bending as I found myself reachhhhinnngg out for it but...just....a little...further...AHHH! Crash, crash, crash! WE'RE FALLING, WE'RE FALLING! HOLD ON TIGHT MR. APPLE!

Those limbs snapped quickly under my weight of my whole ten pounds as the ground came rushing up to me and then, I found myself landing with quite a thud onto the back of something black. The contact saw the air pushed from my lungs, my precious apple falling from my grasp and onto the ground and yet, for a brief moment, I was pretty sure I was seeing stars or something dancing around my head. Owwwww. What had my tail?! Oh my god, DID I GET STUCK?! I jumped to my feet a few moments later, shaking off my head and body as a way to so clear my vision once again before I blinked at my surroundings. Oh hey! Pony friend! YOU SAVED ME! "Calllieeeelll!" I wish my voice could give her a heart emoticon. She totally deserved one for this. "That was a valiant dash! AND LOOK! I got another one! Did you see, did you see? Wait, where is it?" I started circling on her back as she let go of my tail, looking for my fallen apple. I leaned precariously over the side of her back, spotting that glimpse of red underneath her. "Eep! THERE! I GOT IT!" I nearly threw myself off her back, falling onto the ground and rolling quite like an armadillo before righting myself and scurrying underneath her and after it.

My claws dug into that flesh, so pushing it between her legs as my body followed soon after, once again finding myself in front of her. "Tada!" I announced, lifting it up for her to see. My gaze expectantly turned towards my surroundings. Wait a second...I had one...we should have more than ONE! "Where are the others?!" I turned expectantly to my friend before looking at her with a hint of suspicion, even though I wasn't really all that upset at all. "Calliel! Did you eat them all?!" I inquired, well, she was kind of big. She probably needed way more food than I did, right?

Abigail Hughes a were red panda
