
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

you'll attract all the wrong kinds of people doing that

Posted on December 03, 2017 by Damon Marcello

The woman across from him looked scared out of her mind. He could smell it from here, along with her blood bristling with magic. A witch. That's why he'd wondered if she knew the warlock now unconscious on the ground. Maybe they were together or at least knew each other. But she looked innocent to all this, her eyes taking in the scene like a human for all purposes. Why did she look so out of her league on this one? If she was the one creating all the wind, Damon knew better than to underestimate her, no matter how scared she looked or felt. It could all be a ruse to lure him in, make him think she was naive. He wasn't stupid or he would have been dead a long time before now. Of course, luck probably had just as much to do with it. When he asked if she knew the guy, she shook her head but then she was running at him and his brow furrowed in question. What the hell? He was just about to throw an energy wave at her before the stake splintered on his back. He turned, forgetting about her for a moment as his intense gaze pierced the man standing behind him, looking dumbfounded as to how a perfectly good stake didn't impale his heart like it was meant to. Damon grabbed him up by the throat, ready to take his heart as was his favorite trick, but then he remembered he had someone watching.

She had stopped somewhere behind him and he had to think. Was she...actually trying to save him? She didn't have any weapons in her hand and it would be foolish to run up to him and then go for one. She had looked horrified even as she ran, like she was about to see something horrible. He was mystified. But he had to scold the man he was holding first before he let him drop to the ground and turned his attention back on the witch behind him. He glanced down at her hands, noting that she still had no weapon but her knuckles looked white as she clenched her own hands like little fists. He smirked softly. "You're going to make yourself bleed if you keep that up. Dangerous thing to do out here in the dark." His brow raised teasingly. She started to stammer out an answer to his question before she straightened up. Aw, she was trying to be brave now. How cute. His eyes twinkled with amusement as she told him no. He nodded in acknowledgment. "Good." He noted that as she took a step toward him, the wind died down a little, as if threatening to kick back up should she had good reason. He glanced around in curiosity before looking at her again. Did she even know she was doing it? He was beginning to wonder just how innocent she really was.

She looked down at the man on the ground, her arms wrapping around her as she asked if he was dead. Damon smirked. "No, just out cold." Then her eyes drew up to his, asking a question he hadn't been asked in a long time. Most people now a days just seemed to know. Like it was mentioned in a brochure or something. He furrowed his brows for a minute, trying to read her expression, see if she was just teasing him or something. But she seemed genuine. And then scared, all over again. She asked if he was going to kill her and he couldn't help but chuckle as he shook his head. "You really don't know. Wow, it's been a while since I've come across someone who doesn't know." His face softened a little as he tilted his head. "No, killing you wouldn't serve a purpose. It would just leave another body to hide." He shrugged and then his eyes darkened a little, fixing her with an intense gaze. "What am I? That's a loaded question. There are so many possible answers. Some call me a monster. Demon. Angel of death. Soulless asshole. You name it, I've been called it. Simple answer? Vampire."
