
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

&& i will find you wherever you may be

Posted on January 05, 2018 by Damon Marcello

On any other day, he might have felt annoyance at the panther's insistence to interrupt his plans but he already had that gut feeling that something just wasn't right so he allowed it, just this once. He could sense the Were's concern, even if he tried to mask it for the sake of the other guests present. Besides all their troubles between themselves because of the beautiful woman who had yet to show up to her own wedding, he knew he could always count on Tetris to care about Isolt. That wasn't something that could go away. He knew that without a doubt. She wasn't the type of person you could just push away from. She was the kind you loved forever, for eternity. Tetris shook his head, saying the bridesmaid tent was empty and Damon felt himself suck air through his teeth sharply. The gut feeling that something was wrong was only growing, not abating. Why would the tents be deserted? If not there and not in the church, where else could they be? Danger was his only solution and he hated himself for thinking it.

When he asked about Harley, he noticed a flicker of something in the Were's demeanor but he said that no one had seen her recently, ultimately dismissing the subject for futher inquiry. Damon might have pushed for more juicy details if he wasn't so worked up at the moment over the mystery of his missing wife to be. As it were, Tetris was saved from his interrogation as he grunted in response and stepped to the tents himself to further investigate the missing people he cared about. Harley wasn't a concern at the moment if she couldn't help find Isolt. As cruel as it might sound, she was expendable in this moment. She wasn't Isolt. When he asked about tracking her, the panther king said there was a smell in the tent that wasn't theirs and he closed his eyes momentarily, letting his own otherworldly senses reach out. As he inhaled deeply, he could smell it as well. A rich, almost herbal smell. His eyes snapped open and he turned back to Tetris, his voice a snarl. "Witch."

What else could it be? It was either a potion of some sort of the aftermath of a spell. It was too earthy to be from a Were or another vampire, unless they were with someone who did magic. And he knew what group wanted her the most. He felt like his very heart was being torn from his chest. His hand reached to it instinctively, his fingers digging into the silk fabric of his tux as he tried to calm his inner demons. Destroying this tent and everything in it wouldn't bring her back. He needed to calm down and think logically. Tetris said he was guessing about three people who took her and Damon bit his lip, tasting the copper tang of blood as his fangs extended. He would kill every last one of them. He was about to leave the tent for lack of anything more productive to do than tear it to shreds when another vampire walked in. He could smell the death on him, one of his own kind. He'd never met the man before but there was a faint whiff of Yumi on him and he recalled that she was inviting the man she showed an interest in to the wedding.

He took the man in curiously, looking him up and down in curiosity though it was much briefer than his usual measure since he was distracted by his own rage and grief. He raised a brow at the man expectantly in a "can I help you?" sort of way. He was in no mood to entertain right now so it'd better be good. Then the man spoke, saying he overheard that they were looking for Chizue. Damon blinked in acknowledgement of Yumi's name, not even changing his expectant look when the man confirmed that he was in fact her date. At the moment, none of it mattered. Not unless he could help find Isolt. And Yumi, of course. When he asked about Isolt, Damon felt it again, a stabbing pain in his chest that had air hissing through his teeth again as he gave a curt nod, his only response. Then he gave his name as Malek and Damon only blinked before turning back to Tetris. Right now, he was the only one being helpful so that made him more worthy of Damon's attention. Usually that would be the complete opposite on any other occasion but right now, Damon needed the Were's skills as much as his own to get Isolt and Yumi back. The other vampire could help, if he was planning on being useful.

He felt himself tense as a hand laid gently on his shoulder. He was so on edge right now that his first thought was to rip his very arm from his shoulder but he stopped himself. No, he needed him whole to help him find her and bring her home. To his arms, where she belonged. He only offered another stiff nod at the Were's attempt to console him. Right now, nothing would do but to look into her azure blue eyes again and know that she was his. That she was safe. He listened as Tetris spoke to Malek, accepting his help. Damon was numb to his own surroundings, thinking only of her. He could still hear the Were trying to investigate, knowing that this wasn't by choice. Neither of them would leave, not today, not like this. At the panther's last question though, Damon's eyes snapped to his, intense as ever. "The New Eden, a witch coven. They have a prophecy about a vampire, a red headed vampire who would bear them a pure child, the new Eve. For the prophecy to come true, she'd have to be pure herself, not in the same way as the Virgin Mary, but unbound to anyone else, unchained by a mateship. If they found out about the wedding....they would do anything to stop it." His fingers were digging into his palm as he curled his fists at his side. He could feel the warmth of blood trickling between his fingers but he didn't care.

None of it mattered without her. He turned without another word and strode out of the tent. He needed air. He didn't even need to breathe but in this moment, he felt claustrophobic, like he was suffocating. How far would they go to make their precious prophecy come true? "Oh, my love, where are you? Reach out to me, let me know so I can come hold you." He felt himself whisper the words seemingly into the air itself as he stopped outside the tent and let out a long exhale. Then he turned back to the other two men, his eyes suddenly full of fire and determination. "I don't know where their home base is here but 1 out of 5 witches in Sacrosanct know about them and could maybe shed a little light, point us in the right direction. They've got to have them."
