
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

I can make the stars dance

Posted on May 02, 2019 by NADYA
Wake up to your dreams
And watch them come true

The fact that her son still hadn't made an appearance down the aisle in his designated roll of ring bearer had Nadya fretting. She had been worried about this the entire time; there were simply too many strangers looking at him. Nadya's worry though eased when Isolt crouched down, beckoning down the aisle to where Micah stood cowering. She watched as he seemed to debate this new situation before deciding it was safe and making that hurried dash down the aisle and into Isolt's waiting arms. He would do fine under Isolt's guidance which allowed Nadya to relax with a warm smile watching the pair. Once Micah had handed over both rings, Nadya ushered him over to her for the remainder of the ceremony. She was pleasantly surprised that the twins sat through the entire thing, albeit it playing with the remaining petals in the basket at her feet...was better than becoming bored, whining, and fidgeting the entire time.

The end of the ceremony saw the guests rise, joyous from the celebration and ready for the after party. "Time go you, good job you two. Let's go say goodbye to auntie Isolt." Nadya rose and gathered the twins. Izzy's request to keep all the petals and the basket answered simply with a nod. Hand in hand she led them around the party in the direction Isolt had gone. Though her gaze found her brother easily, wrapped around an equally as dark-haired woman, she easily swept right over. His affection had always been reserved for those not of his blood. After the last time of him walking out and then ignoring the twins she had ceased trying to continue a relationship with him. It no long hurt when someone spoke of him and even though Isolt had mentioned he would be there, she found it didn't hurt to see him either. So much time had passed, her heart had healed and she had found happiness in her pack. The twins were so young when it happened and the amount of time that had passed meant no recognition would pass in their eyes which only made the event easier. The only acknowledgement to the other guests Nadya gave as they weaved was to Sebastian as she breezed past, offering him a small smile and nod of acknowledgement before moving on.

"Hey, congratulations." Nadya breathed finally having found Isolt. "I'm going to head out, it's past the twins bedtime." She wrapped her arms around Isolt in a warm hug. "You look absolutely stunning...and I can't wait to meet it." The last comment but a whisper for Isolt. She knew Isolt would be a great mother because without her Nadya wouldn't have had a clue what to do with the twins when they had been born. She owed everything to the redhead before her. Nadya nudged each child in turn to give their goodbye hug before taking their hands once more and slipping away from the party.

Nadya Tetradore
