She was as lover of many things. One of these many things were colors oh, so very eye-catching to the were woman, though she certainly had her favorites which consisted mostly of either pastel hues or those deeper tones. In fact, most of her wardrobe consisted of either pale or dark hues. And then, there were those breathtaking sunset palettes that often painted the sky harmonious shades of gold, citrine, and amber... Ren couldn't count just how many times she'd indulged in watching the sky as the last light of afternoon would dance across the seemingly endless horizon. However, it was easy for her to recall one of her top five favorite sunsets. She'd been sitting on the soft, sun-bleached sand of a beach miles and miles away from the city, not a single sign of human life in sight. Bright blue eyes had glittered in the fading light then, drinking in the crashing foam-crested waves as they thundered against the shore to the timeless rhythm, the salty breeze tousling long, ebony hair wildly as it swirled around slender shoulders and tickled fair-skinned cheeks. She'd watched in wonder as the sinking sun touched the ocean waters, turning them an almost brilliant gold as the sparse tufts of cumulus overhead had been painted soft apricot and tangerine that she'd imagined might taste as sweet as the fruits they reminded her of. How terribly she'd regretted her decision to leave her phone in the car parked on the side of the road roughly a mile behind her, Ren recalling how she'd very nearly missed the trail hidden by the dense coastal trees and shrubs, the were woman having decided to pull over and take a break from the old, winding, narrow highway she'd been driving for several hours. It had been pure happenstance that day when that innately curious nature of hers had beckoned Ren to follow that overgrown trail likely left by the local wildlife only to reward her with that absolutely unforgettable ocean scene laid out before her.
Yes, she was naturally drawn to a clear midnight sky where the moon would bathe the world in her sterling silver light accompanied by millions and millions of twinkling stars, but so far, she had yet to see anything that came close to comparing to that ocean sunset.
And, just as she loved vibrant hues, she equally reveled in new things. Whether it was a trinket she'd never seen before, a city or town she'd never been in, or an unfamiliar face that somehow stood out against a sea of strangers, there was always something that so compelled her to explore what she had not yet been given the opportunity to experience. How else was one supposed to know all the things that they liked and didn't if chances weren't taken and simply allowed to pass by without even the slightest wandering? Ever since she was a child no taller than her father's knee, Ren had been a rather inquisitive creature. If it wasn't something familiar to her, she wanted to know what it was. Of course, this meant that she would discover things she didn't like, such as how awfully tart grapefruit was or unpleasant the roses in her mother's garden tasted despite their pretty, bright colors. And, as with all children, she'd learned that certain things would hurt her and should therefor be avoided, like how those pretty flowers that grew on those bushes in the backyard protected themselves with wickedly sharp thorns that would prick her fingers painfully, drawing blood. She especially remembers the glowing ceramic wax warmer so seemingly similar to her bedroom nightlight which sat on the dining room table she'd managed to climb onto when she had been unable to ignore her curiosity, resulting in her experiencing for the first time what being burned felt like. Needless to say, Ren never attempted to touch it again, deciding that it was much better to simply look at instead of touch, just as she had learned that if she so desired to pick a rose from its bush, she had to be mindful of its sharp thorns.
There was certainly truth to be seen in the proverb she later learned, that curiosity killed the cat. Yet, what so many people seemed to forget was that there was more to it than that. While, yes, curiosity could in fact kill the cat, it would be satisfaction that brought it back.
It is today that Ren decided to indulge her innate curiosities with seeing what new things awaited in the southern district of the city she'd only just moved to a few days ago. Her lean frame slinks effortlessly through the undergrowth of the forest that grew on the outskirts, thankful for the fur that protects her against the chill that so grips the world, small and light paws padding along silently as whiskers twitch and dark ears perked, every keen sense alive in the feline that goes unseen by all but perhaps the chattering squirrels and chirping songbirds who went about their busy lives in the sheltering boughs above her. There was so much here! She stops on occasion to sniff at a patch of mint, nibbling at the soft leaves before moving on, disappearing into shrubs or exploring the hollowed remains of a fallen tree. There comes a point during her exploration that she detects the scent of another were bearing the scent of a canine, prompting Ren to avoid the small ravine and continues her aimless adventuring, hardly knowing where she was going and all the more curious as to what she might have yet to find. She pauses in her strides for a moment after an unknown amount of time passes her by, giving a single flick of her long tail before turning bright ocean-blue eyes to the patches of sky she can only just glimpse through the canopy. It wasn't long before the sun would be setting, and she wanted to get the best view of her first Sacrosanct sunset! Swiftly, she darts towards the trunk of a nearby pine, unsheathing sharp claws and climbing in practiced precision to one of the larger branches. From her perch, she can see a path that leads to the bridge she'd crossed some time ago. Beyond the sounds of the wildlife, the soft trickling of a nearby stream, and the whispering breeze that rattles the leaves of her chosen viewpoint, it was serenely quiet here. And so, it was there that she crouches, ocean-blue eyes blinking slowly as they watch the sky beginning to change.
Ren lingers there in her tree, content in the peace that seems to envelope the outskirts on this cold afternoon. She only knows that the sun will be setting soon, but what might happen between now and then... well, that was perhaps what she was looking forward to most. However, what she finds after only moment more isn't quite what she expects.
A lone figure appears in the distance, catching the feline's attention almost immediately. She remains loafed comfortably on her branch, although her ears are once again perked as she observes how.... tired the man looks. The winds shift then, and the scent of a dark hunter is brought to the were-cat. It was a familiar scent to her as it was with just about any of her kind considering what they were known for. And yet, this one hardly looked like the loathsome, wicked immortal she had always been told to be wary of. And, as she looks down upon the man from behind her cover of leaves, she watches him with curiosity glittering brightly in her gaze. He breathes into his hands, rubbing them together and stretching them, the flush of his skin making it more than clear that he was trying to warm up, understandably considering that it was a rather cold day today. But, what draws her even more than his rather exhausted disposition, was the way he sighs. How heavy it was... In fact, there seemed a somber expression upon that handsome face of his. Why did he look so distant, so... sad? When it's clear that he isn't going to be moving on right away, she pushes her way through the leaves she'd been loafed in, trilling down to the hunter before leaping from her initial perch and to a lower branch, bringing her only just a few inches above his head. Giving a sweeping wave of her tail, she trills warmly in greeting to the man as she crouches down and reaches out with a paw to very nearly "pat" the top of his head. Ooooh... his hair is soooo soft!, she thinks to herself then. She purrs loudly in satisfaction and approval of this discovery about the strange, lonely man that she so happened upon. Again, she gently paws the the top of his head, ever-purring and curious, but even more so now... she wanted to see if just maybe she might get a smile from the somber man. It was far too beautiful of an afternoon to be sad, or so the were woman thought.
She decides in this moment that the man needed a friend. Even if it was just for the afternoon, Ren wasn't going to just leave him all alone on a cold yet clear afternoon like this. They could watch the sunset together! So, she sits there, wondering just how he might react to her friendly gestures, if he would leave or stay. And, oh, how she hoped that he would stay.