
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

purring in the face of danger ~

Posted on February 25, 2022 by ren nomura
~•Ren Nomura•~
... everybody wants to be a cat because only a cat knows where it's at ...

Fate and and fortune, while perhaps not as often considered by others in the world like they'd once been, were two things that the were woman had always very much believed in. Everything, good or bad, fortunate or unfortunate, happened for one reason or another. Whether it might be brought about to test one's courage and spirit or perhaps to answer a silent plea sent to the heavens for those glittering and countless stars that listen in their eternal silence to those who might talk with them during those twilight hours. All anyone ever needed to do was open up their hearts to the moment, embrace the change that might unexpectedly befall them. Now, with that being said, Ren was entirely aware that not many were fortunate enough to have a life so nurturing and kind, where it seemed that most everything leading up to this cold late afternoon has only ever been in the were woman's favor. It wasn't as though she'd been spoiled into greediness or ever-praised into vanity and arrogance. Like nearly everyone, Ren has felt pain and sadness. It had been hard for her to say goodbye to her grandparents when they'd passed. Growing up, as the natural way would so dictate, she'd known what it was like to get hurt physically and emotionally. She could remember the countless tears she'd spent on an ex boyfriend or two, but just as she'd experienced loss and grief, she'd seen those moments made better as well. At times, it was her mother or father that would comfort her, clean up a scrape she'd gotten after taking a fall outside while she'd been playing or hold her tightly when she would wake up missing her grandmother after she's passed. Her father had been there to tell her that those boys were just that. Boys, not men. He'd tell her that she'd find love when she was older, that she'd know it when she found it so long as she kept her heart open to it. After all, it was only when one closed their hearts to the world that they in turn closed themselves to a chance at happiness or peace. And so, Ren held these words from her father close to her soul each and every day, applied them in all that she did, and if ever there might be a day where she'd find herself feeling a little off-course or found herself melancholy, she made sure to remind herself that there would be lows, but they wouldn't last forever if she didn't let them.

As ocean-blue eyes blink up at the hunter whose lap she sat comfortably in, letting the man's hands run through her fur seal brown and cream fur, she can see the rise and fall of thoughts unreadable, like words on a page within a book written in a language she couldn't quite read. If only he knew how much she wanted to know why it was he carried such sadness in his heart, how much she just wanted to see him smile so that he might remember something happy.

Ever purring while they sat there in the snow, the man offers her a small and gentle smile before lifting a hand to rub her cheek. Purring louder, the feline leans into his touch, kneading his legs ever so careful so as not to let sharpened claws pierce his skin. Yes, this hunter was someone who knew and loved animals. While he hasn't said it, the were woman could feel it, just as she could feel the gentleness of his touch and the sorrow in his hazel gaze. He asks if she was lost, and it was moments like this where the feline wishes that she could assure him she was far from lost... 'I'm not lost, but it looks like you are. It'll be okay, though, because I found you'... No, she cannot speak, but when she looks up into the man's face, she wonders if he could see it in her gaze, the soft way she looked at him in that moment. A stronger wave had sadness seems to wash over the man as he assures her that they would find the family she wasn't missing. Family. Was this why the hunter was so sad? She remembers hearing that his kind were immortal beings, and suddenly, her heart very nearly breaks for the man she sits with now. Did he have family left? Or was he alone in the world? That would explain a lot if that there the case... and no one should ever have to walk through life without another set of footprints in the sand next to theirs. Well, lucky for him that Ren found him, then, because for as long as he would let her, she would walk with him. No, he wouldn't be alone anymore, not if he would let her into his world. Besides, the were woman had yet to meet any others since moving here to the city. She'd spent her time in that townhouse trying to work through the process of unpacking her things, and not everything had been entirely situated yet, but she was glad that Fate brought her to the southern district when it had! If not, then she might never have had met him, and that thought on its own was enough to make the feline's own heart sad. Would he have ended up sitting here beneath this tree all alone until sunset? Well, none of that mattered now, because their paths had crossed today, and she wasn't about to leave the hunter anytime soon.

It was likely that this man didn't know about the unlikely friend he'd made just now, but Ren was determined to make sure that he knew. That was a task in and of itself of course, considering the were woman was not exactly in her human form for the time being, but just maybe he might decide to take her to his home. That way, she would be able to find him, maybe even bring him some of her favorite food. After all, it was hard to be sad when one was given sushi and warm tea!

Something in the cold air shifts then, and as the feline turns to look further down the path, she knows of the cause. Two women (but only a single scent, so very strange!) were approaching, suddenly drawing their katanas in eerily perfect unison. Perhaps this might have started most others, particularly "normal" felines, but Ren cannot sense any true danger in this moment. And, almost as if she had been right in her intuition, the women return each blade to their respective sheaths. The feline then uncurls her tail from around her paws, offering a long wave in a greeting that would likely go unnoticed since most seemed to just assume that it was 'just a cat thing', as a few humans have said to one another when she'd offered them the same friendly gesture. Dark ears perk as one of the women apologize for having mistaken the man for what sounded like a were she was possibly hunting while the other whispered a hushed "I'll keep watch" before turning her attention away from the hunter and were woman there beneath the tree. 'Keep watch? I wonder what, or who, for'... The women who had spoken first replies to the hunter's inquiry, and needless to say, her response was a very curious one. Had this huntress been looking for her? The uncertainty in the woman with raven-black hair assured the were woman that she likely wasn't, though the feline twitches her whiskers in amusement as the two are seemingly trying to solve the case of the found-but-not-actually-lost feline. Trilling brightly, she looks back to the man, hesitating for only a moment before she abandons his lap, trotting through the snow and towards the woman, dark tail raised in the well-known expression of feline friendliness, slowing to a walk once she reaches the huntress and promptly arches her back to rub against the woman's leg in what could easily be described as a feline hug, purring all the while as ocean-blue eyes look up to meet those of stone grey. There, the were woman can see something not too unlike the sadness that flickered there within the man's gaze, and Ren very nearly mewls at the huntress. She, too, carried a heaviness in her heart? Well, then, she also needed a friend. Better yet, she needed two friends!

Mewing again at the huntress, she bounds gracefully through the snow back to the man, hardly bothered by the powered snow that now clung to her fur. Ren then climbs back into the man's lap, entirely prepared for him to stand with her in his arms if he so desired so. Ocean-blue eyes look back up to the hunter, curious and almost expectant.'I think we should be their friends, too'... No, she couldn't speak, but just maybe, she didn't have to.

'feline speak' || "human speak"
