For all of her relentless determination, the ethereal unicorn had yet to truly pause and contemplate her intentions once she had found the winged equine she had sought for. Perhaps, she had anticipated the encounter to go as so many of hers did. He would stare at her with awe and reverence whilst she bestowed him with the blessing of her presence, one he would graciously accept without hesitation as he lavished her with his duly owed attention. It was, perhaps, egotistical of her and yet, Aislinn had become accustomed to a certain level of doting for not only what she was...but also who she was. How very...different her steed was. Then again, perhaps that too came from the simple fact that he was as unique as she was - that is, if he had been her pegasus, which he was so clearly not. Perhaps...she was foolish for anticipating her enigmatic presence might be enough. She paused for a long moment before admitting, with some reluctance, that she was...lonely. Though the world was filled to the brim with supernatural oddities, so few were anything like her - a creature so...legendary. How certain she was that he was lucky to not feel that same resounding...aloneness....that so afflicted her. After all, the dirtied stallion in front of her did not have those wings she sought. He could not possibly understand what it was like to be different.
His insistence otherwise, however, caused the maiden to pause in contemplation. She could hardly deny that he stuck out amongst the Mongolian herds. His ivory coat and immense height certainly set him apart. It made him...regal. His very presence was somehow domineering. Here, perhaps, he understood to a degree that which she spoke of but...surely there was a place in the world that was bathed in creatures akin to him. Somewhere, out there, was a place in which he could feel like he belonged, and that knowledge set them apart. There was nowhere in the entire world in which Aislinn was just another mare amongst the others, in which she was not special. Her very declaration of such, however, only seemed to bring a vague dismissal from the steed - the kind that took her back entirely. Her head tilted to the side as her glacier gaze eyed him with newfound scrutiny. Surely there was not something the unicorn had missed about him? He certainly looked...painstakingly...normal. A soft snort left her nose, Aislinn content to dismiss the ridiculous notion altogether as she stepped away from him - sure of her deductions. There was no reason, after all, for the mare to linger.
It was the sudden query pressed into her thoughts that brought the ivory mare to a halt - her head turned, glancing back at him over her rump. The very notion of Aislinn having a rider was all but preposterous! How very indignant she was over the idea that any were worthy of riding her! The stallion's insistence that his rider was somehow different was...laughable. After all she had seen him, albeit from a distance. He hardly seemed any different then any of the others, regardless of how 'good' the steed had deemed him. It was his prying of her pack, however, distracted the woman from the insult she had taken. How....obscure the notion was of a 'pack'. Aislinn could only assume it was yet another word for the herds that tended to gather upon the Mongolian plains. Her assurance that she lived alone - that her very species lived alone, only seemed to further confound him in turn.
It was his sudden cryptic allusion to his wings, however, that saw Aislinn pause. The notion that they might only exist when he needed them was not one the unicorn had considered. She turned to face him with a renewed sense of curiosity - her steps were cautious as she made her way towards him, this time venturing closer then she had previously dared to. His gaze alone seemed to follow her, his physique wholly still as she reached out to press her muzzle gingerly into his shoulder, his question temporarily ignored as she investigated the very spot those wings should be. Aislinn's touch, however, was met with nothing but firm muscle - those wings failing to appear altogether, though she hadn't expected that they might show themselves at her genteel caress. Rather, it was the stallion's query that garnered her attention as she spoke of the impossibility of his offer. After all, unlike his wings, her horn was a permanent fixture - an everlasting representation of all that she was...a beacon of purity. Her very essence was that of a unicorn...not some mere horse with a horn. Her very declaration of their differences, however, seemed to prompt a snort of amusement from the steed. Amusement!
His comment that she had...failed to adapt was enough to stop her in her tracks. Failed to adapt?! Why if that wasn't the most ludicrous thing she had ever heard!
It was an abrupt movement that caused her head to turn back towards the direction of her stallion. Aislinn had hardly anticipated his determination to touch her - that very press of his velveteen muzzle against her own so entirely caught her off guard. Immediately, she wheeled backwards, reeling from his touch as she stepped again out of the reach of his rope. Her ears pinned back upon her head, her tail lashed against her pristine flanks as she stared at him with vengeance.
Those words were no sooner pressed within his mind when a sudden resounding snap filled the evening air - drawing the weight of Aislinn's glacier gaze. That rope had held out to the best of its ability, though even it was incapable of ceasing the dun stallion's attempts to escape any longer. Upon finding his freedom, he broke out into an all out sprint for the pair in some keen effort to drive off the ivory steed from what he had apparently decided was his mare to have. Aislinn, however, saw little reason to linger when such a kerfuffle would undoubtedly awaken the entire camp. She waited just long enough for her steed's gaze to turn away from her before employing the very thing that had allowed her to move unhindered and unnoticed for so very long. That one solid, refined mare soundlessly evaporated into dozens of small pure white moths that so easily fluttered and floated away in seemingly no cohesive direction - the unicorn little more than a figment of a memory, leaving nothing in her wake to cement she had even existed within the first place.