Even as Nadya explained her predicament, she still couldn't believe it. It made her head hurt and she was beyond confused and feeling lost. Her normally feisty demeanor was a shadow of itself. That gaze was glued back to her sandwich as she slowly ate and savored each bite. Unless she went hunting, there was no telling when her next meal would be...and she really hated eating raw meat and all that blood. The near thought of it made a shudder run through her body.
Nadya was quite content to stay in silence, sit, and eat in thanks. Ashton seemed called to do more though. His announcement that he had a spare bed and wished to help her seemed unreal. Had she heard him right? "What?" Her brows knit together in confusion. Although he claimed to know her already, she had just met him. Had they truly been on well enough terms below for him to offer her a place? Nadya eyed his extended hand before cautiously putting her own in it. How drastic the difference was between them, her pallor due to malnourishment striking against his healthy sun kissed tone. Ordinarily it would go against everything she was taught to go home with a stranger and yet he had assured her he wasn't. The temptation of a bed to sleep in and lord forbid a hot shower was too much to turn down and she resigned to accept the consequences for it.
"Thank you." She followed alongside Ashton, finishing that last bite of a sandwich as they walked down the sandy beach towards him home. "Do you live with Malia?" Ashton said that she had known this other woman as well. Perhaps that meant they lived together. How many people had she forgotten?
Nadya Tetradore