
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

sink into my trust again, keep me un-composed

Posted on April 11, 2022 by Raylin Chike

Raylin Chike

She could feel herself beginning to relax, though the paranoia still lingers in the back of her mind as Raylin watches him. She's polite and she's beginning to warm up but she wasn't entirely sure she could speak with him for long periods of time. His very accent still sent shudders down her spine, her heart hammering wildly in her chest, even as she offers him a soft smile. It wasn't his fault his accent was so eerily familiar, honestly, Raylin wasn't sure she could ever visit the southern part of the states, considering her reaction to this stranger. She forces her spine to relax and smiles at him gently, though her face is still tight. His response has a touch of curiosity sparkling in her hazel eyes but it dies quickly, she was having a hard time still speaking with him without the distant memories taking over. Releasing a deep breath through her nose, she offers a smile again, this one almost natural... almost. "The week days are probably more fun, I bet there's a ton of adults that do the lessons. Weekends are almost all kids and families, still fun but you have to be a little louder than normal," she laughs weakly, the wind whipping between them as Ray shudders again.

She needed to get her body moving, she expected this would be her last run for the day.

Ray invites him to surf with him, and though her voice is still wary, Ashton hardly seems to mind as he readily agrees and leans forward to begin paddling over the waves. She follows suit, trailing just slightly behind him as she watches his powerful shoulders cut through the water. She speeds up just slightly, her own arms stroking smoothly through the ocean currents and just as she reaches his side, a wave is just cresting. They both immediately sink into the water, forcing them below the wave, Ray sucking in a breath as they coast beneath the water and then they both breach, Ray's hand flying up to her face to push the strands of pink hair out of her eyes. She can't help herself as a genuine smile stretches across her lips, her head turning to catch Ashton's gaze as she grins broadly at him, unafraid and wild as she continues to paddle out, finally reaching that spot where the waves are created but won't knock them over.

She turns in the water, facing the shore again as she sits upright on her board as she glances over to Ashton, "I'll go first," she states, another flash of a grin at him as her attention focuses back on the water as she waits briefly to read the waves. Ray doesn't say a word as she launches forward, her arms slicing through the water before she braces her hands against the board and she lurches upright. She's on her feet in an instant, gleeful joy radiating from her as she whoops loudly, settling herself into a squatting position. She carves into the wave, her frozen fingers trail through the water, her pink her slapping against her cheeks from the wind. Despite the cold, her frozen nose and pink ears, she felt so free. The wave ends all too soon, her heart hammering with adrenaline as she slowly lowers herself into a sitting position, her legs dropping back into the water. She turns towards the open ocean, her hand reaching up as she waves at Ashton.
