
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Putting the pieces together

Posted on April 23, 2022 by Nadya Tetradore
Wake up to your dreams
And watch them come true

The feline's plan was going perfectly. The adrenaline rush that came from chasing the rabbit cleared her mind of all her tumultuous thoughts. The intent was to keep the chase going for as long as possible until she more or less passed out from sheer exhaustion. Only then could she finish out the cycle of the full moon in peace. How different it was from her memories of being surrounded by her pack, whether that had been just her brother and Tobias or her adoptive pack. How much she wished for that again. Alas, it seemed like this solitude would be her new normal. Or perhaps not.

Nadya's unfamiliarity with the surrounding area meant she was unprepared for her prey to bound into a small clearing and straight into its burrow. A surge of energy was shot out, causing the earth by the burrow entrance to explode in attempt to scare it away but it was mere seconds too late. A growl of frustration vibrated in her chest as the ebony jaguar swiped within the tunnel in search of the furry prey. It was that shift of motion from the corner of her eye atop the large rock that had Nadya leaping several feet back. Her attention had been so glued to the hare that she hadn't seen another lazing upon it. Only once the feline deemed it a safe distance did she lower to her haunches and regard the male with those piercing golden eyes. Miss? How...formal and...polite. Nadya tilted her head curiously at his response to her claiming he stole her dinner.

The male's idea was logical and yet Nadya had no care to have him upon his high rock as she was distracted below. What was to say that wasn't his plan? Coerce her into letting her guard down with chivalry then pounce when she was least expecting it? No, she thought not. Though she still wanted that hare. The wheels churned in her head as she glanced between the burrow entrance and the male. "Counter offer..." Nadya mused lightly, "you could cease playing Pride Rock and help me. If you stand at the other end you can flush it out over here and I can get it." He could do that much she was sure. She rose from her haunches, pacing back and forth at that line she had deemed a safe distance. "Unless you have a female nearby already doing all the hunting for you?" In her knowledge, male lions hardly did any of the hunting, their size and manes preventing them the grace necessary for a chase. No, they were surprise animals that relied on their sheer weight instead. It did make her curious if he was truly as alone as he appeared though. For all she knew there was a female nearby that would be leaping out at her at any moment. A cautionary gaze lingered on the foliage around them, surveying every rustle of grass or leaves as either breeze or enemy. It simply meant Nadya was not about to let her guard down...not yet.

Nadya Tetradore