
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

My own form of CHAOS

Posted on August 29, 2022 by Damon Marcello

The idea that Isolt wanted to spend any time with me was a godsend in itself, so I wouldn't care if we were sitting at home staring at each other. The idea that she was with me by choice was enough in itself to have me over the moon. I would have followed her anywhere tonight, especially with the way she was dressed. Who else was going to worship her the way she deserved? No one but me and I'd make damned sure of it. Her experience in life was so refreshing, maybe because it was so limited compared to my own. She didn't know of war or abusive parents. That purity in her was part of what had enchanted me on that bench oh so long ago and it never let go. I hated it when she looked doubtful. The way her pretty little brows would pinch together; it drove me crazy. At least I was able to make her smile again when I put my arm around her waist and told her I couldn't pick. I wanted both.

She whispered in my ear and sent a chill down my spine, even as the rosy blush I loved so much colored her pale cheeks. She really was in her full element tonight, so much more like the life-loving woman I knew before tragedy took our child. As she started to move to the music, my hands found the round curves of her hips all too easily and my movements matched hers. Our bodies melded together, swaying to the beat. I could do this all night. Every so often, my gaze would sweep the room, making eye contact with any man who decided to take a glance at what was mine. If he dared to look too long, he might find his chest start hurting or even his head, like someone had put a vise around it and gave it a little squeeze. Don't worry, though. The moment his eyes looked away, he would find relief. Had to teach them somehow. When I saw my wife's own eyes straying, I followed her gaze and a small smirk tugged at my lips when I saw the donor. She was a pretty little thing too. Of course, nothing compared to my red haired siren.

Even as Isolt crooked her finger at the girl, the human was already in motion, as if reading her ever thought. If I didn't know any better, I'd say my wife had picked up on my own power of persuasion. But then, she'd never needed powers to get what she wanted. She was just that appetizing. I tried not to show too much disappointment as my wife pulled away, knowing the hunger must be satiated. I watched, mesmerized, as she moved to the back of the human. The blonde was nice enough to crane her head to the side, giving Isolt full access. My own fangs extended on reflex, but I wasn't greedy tonight. No, I was all for watching. My eyes darkened with longing, but not for blood, as I watched Isolt sink her fangs into the woman's neck, her own blue eyes never leaving my own. I was so turned on right now. Isolt drank her fill then slowly pulled away, her tongue licking at the woman's neck in a gesture that went straight to my own groin.

A groan left my own lips but thankfully it was buried in all the heavy music of the club. A new glint came to my eyes as Isolt then nudged the woman toward me. My own gaze never left my wife as the human stopped before me, inclining her head once more. I could smell her blood pulsing. I trailed a single finger down her neck, running it over the puncture holes my wife made before slowly bringing my finger to my lips. I took my time, sucking the blood off my finger as I continued to watch Isolt. A growl of pleasure left my lips before I reached a hand into the girl's short pixie hair, grasping it suddenly before I parted my lips and bit down into her neck, creating new holes. I wasn't gentle and the girl gasped at the sharp pain. Another groan left my lips as the blood plunged into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the holes before pulling back, letting it drip down my chin as I continued to watch my mate and lover. The human was quick to grasp her neck and scurry away, probably feeling light headed.

I didn't watch her leave, though. I stepped toward Isolt, watching her, gauging her reaction as I stopped before her, letting her see me once again as the predator I would always be. A part of me wondered if she was still vulnerable, still in doubt that she should be here with me, that she should be alive. Would seeing a glimpse of my dark side push her back over the edge? I don't know why I wanted to push my luck tonight, but it was inevitable. Yet in my eyes, she would see the truth beneath that dark surface, that I would do anything for her always.
