isolt marcello
I'm more alive than I've ever been
She craves him in much the same manner that an alcoholic craves the earthy sting of the libation during the first days of forced sobriety. Like the addict yearns for the needle's sharp pinch and the burst of warmth that follows, spreading to every extremity. It is a hunger that had never abated, not really, even during these long months of mourning. Truthfully it had become hidden, smothered beneath the thickly-laden black veil of a mother's seemingly unending grief. But, gradually, the redheaded vampire had somehow traversed the deepest leagues of this grief and had emerged... ravenous. Starved for the feel of her husband's skin, the tender yet possessive way in which he touched her. And this- the act of pleasuring him that causes a particular brand of vivacity to blossom anew within her. Her name rides a rumbling growl as it departs from her mate's lips, the arms of the chair forfeiting their own moan of protest from the intensity of his grip, causing satisfaction to hum to life within her chest. He was now putty in her hands, and she sought to draw from him all of the pleasure that had no doubt frothed and seered as some subterranean pocket of molten lava during this long drought. Her mane of gossamer hair falls in a cascade of copper over Damon's lap as she continues her quest to bring him to the very precipice of pleasure... only to cease when she senses him toeing utopia's edge. The azure of her eyes lift to meet those of her mate, gleaming, plumped lips poised around the silent request that parts them.
Take me.
His compliance is almost immediate, lifting her from before him only to deposit her upon the bed of pillows and duvets that she had crafted for them. Her eyes drift to a close at the tender caress of his lips, though they fly open with the forceful thrust of his hips as he fills her. The sensation sends a tremble down her legs as they curve about him, a breathless moan fraught with pleasure leaving her parted lips. Isolt's body writhes to meet the tempo of his own, her hands exploring the broad planes of his back before venturing to grasp his muscular glutes in an attempt to coax him ever closer, ever deeper. She had missed this- the feel of his weight atop her, the delicious pressure of him inside of her, the undeniable thrill that always came of their lovemaking. She had missed everything. She had missed him. For so many months they had existed as near-strangers, drifting about within the house they shared almost as though they were merely ghosts haunting a once-vibrant home. But now, consumed by the throes of passion, she had come back to life. Resurrected by her husband's carnal prowess. Isolt gives a playful, fangless nip to the muscular curve of Damon's shoulder, a smile curving her lips at his whispered command. A command that she answers in kind, the plush cushions of her lips brushing against his ear. "Harder," she purrs, her legs tightening around him as if refusing to be robbed of any inch of pleasure he might have to offer, a titillating nip given to his earlobe.
It is very little time at all before both of their bodies crest the wave of nirvana that they had been too long without. The bite of her husband's fangs coupled with the delectable tension and release of her orgasm draws a breathless moan from the redheaded woman's lips. When Damon draws back to meet her eyes, she meets him with a soft, reassuring smile before drawing him to her once again, indulging herself in a deep and lingering kiss. "I've missed you," she whispers lovingly.
Isolt cannot deny a significant level of disappointment as the weight of her husband disappears and he moves to lay beside her, though she is quick to nestle into the crook of his arm, her head laid gently against his shoulder. A handful of moments of relaxed silence pass betwixt the two vampires before the fire-crowned woman issues a query she had long contemplated in quiet moments of introspection and, undoubtedly, curiosity. "What do you think it would have been like if I was alive when you were? Do you think we would have been together?" She cranes her neck to look up at him, a delicate smile perched upon her lips.