
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Isn't that the way life goes?

Posted on November 19, 2023 by HARLEY WESTWARD

stuff us in boxes that's where you want us

cardboard is boring, we brought our matches - look how it burns

That piece of artwork might have been some of her best work yet. All those intricate details, like the glistening of something that looked wet and the illusion of texture. It required more planning and brainpower than she normally needed and yet the beast was coming together. She liked it even more that she was given free rein besides the general idea of something unique while being ugly-beautiful and that placement. It was rare when someone trusted her with their bodies. Especially with a piece this large. Although she couldn't understand why someone would want a swamp creature on their arm for life.... And no, not the somewhat prickly green one with a Scottish accent. Thank fuck. But this was like a gift from the gods! It seemed as of late people were booking in with increasingly weird requests and to be entirely honest, she kind of loved it. Relished in the challenge and the pretty chunk of change she earned. Never did she think she would make a chocolate chip cookie monster from hell. Yes, that was now a thing. It was a tramp stamp too. The significant other or whatever.. of that chick was in for quite the view. But who was she to judge? She just might get the chance to splurge that month. But it was when Harley just finished up a long and gruelling session on a full sleeve that she had that familiar name pop up on her screen. She was so goddamn tired she felt like she could have imagined it, wanting nothing more than to take the longest catnap of her life. But no. It was true, Isolt wanted to hang out. Two days from that one. Her friend could not have picked a better day and life was going pretty damn good right now.

Not to mention all those little perks that she discovered being a panther in the city. Yet, even though it was kind of radio silent on the vampire front (not that she was complaining) she could not help the resurgence of pettiness rise up from time to time in the back of her mind. That desire to exact some revenge in the form of some kind of karma... It was a bad idea and yet it hardly seemed to dissipate. Hey, she was smart but that didn't mean she didn't have stupid ideas floating around in there. Fortunately, good sense won out and she chose not to rock that boat.

Those two days after agreeing to those plans with Isolt felt like it approached much too quickly. They were supposed to go to some festival in the city and she had honestly forgotten what it was even for. But for now, the were-woman was interested in that sight of Ace eating. Now that was remarkable to witness. Jesus. How that dog could scarf down so much food with such gusto time and time again was impressive. Dog food did not look so good and yet Ace made it seem like it was a meal from a five-star restaurant. If he were a human, she would have no doubt in his powers to win an eating competition, she was certain.

Harley reluctantly broke away from the scene as she looked toward the window ticking off that mental checklist before Isolt showed up. Ace had been out already for his walk... fed and about the come face to face with a happy dog coma after he finished chewing the shit out of his oldest but most favourite toy. The dog worked on a predictable schedule that Harley was a little envious of. However, she was certain that the squeaky plush toy was going to unravel entirely one day for the simple fact that he always went for the same one. That thing deserved a funeral, she was certain of it. It lasted in her and Ace's life more than most people did. She snorted to herself at the thought.

Once everything was taken care of, she eyed the time on the Felix clock that somehow defied time itself, becoming a veritable antique within her home. It was the ping on her phone that told her that Isolt was there. For once in her life, she wasn't in a chaotic mess to rush out the door. Nice. Maybe this was what it felt like to finally have all those ducks in a row. Harley snatched her favourite leather jacket that fit her like a glove, slipping on her shoes and finally a small but functional purse that held all the necessities... Like a wallet.... Which was basically a purse for your money and the purse part was basically a fancy container for your wallet, as far as Harley was concerned..

Harley slipped out of her apartment with a fond goodbye scratch to Ace, locking the door behind her. The fresh night air feeling refreshing to her warm face, as her bright violet eyes landed on an SUV parked on the curb with Isolt just standing outside of the idling vehicle. That car was new, although, she suspected a lot was.

Yet some things remained the same. Like the prominent red hair standing out just as much as the other woman's pale complexion. Harley strode toward her a smile on her lips. "Hey Iz!" Her companion looked the same, exactly the same. Like her youthful features that were forever frozen in time, never to know a single wrinkle or laugh line beyond the ones she died with.... Died. It was crazy to think she had died... Harley herself had fortunately only known close calls... never experienced the real damn thing, something she would like to keep that way.

Isolt welcomed her, introducing her to her 'chariot' that awaited her. One that had all the luxury comforts. It was as if she was worried Harley would judge her for the SUV. But hey... it was a nice vehicle if you were into the SUV types. Why did she think she would ever care about that? Seemed a little shallow. Isolt then claimed that she was lost in a frenzy of mom mode. Even despite the lighthearted way she said it, she swore she could sense the haunted edge behind that statement. Harley couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for her friend and yet said nothing more. Isolt could talk about it or not if she chose to. Harley's leather-clad shoulders rose in a shrug. "Come on now, I have seen obnoxious, this isn't it. Besides, you had me at heated seats." Heated seats were like the pinnacle of luxury. Something her old Mustang would never know, despite how much she loved that thing.

Harley opened the door and instantly was blasted with delicious warmth and that new car smell. She flopped into the passenger seat of that roomy vehicle. Hell, it was enough to carry at least 3 little bonus minions. Once she closed the door behind her, she went right for the heated seats. Could you blame her?

Not a moment later, Isolt rounded that car and ended up in the driver's seat. It had been a long ass time since someone drove her around. Isolt peeled that car away from the curb as those seats began to heat up in the most delightful way. It felt damn good, she wiggled into the warmth that travelled from her butt to climb up her back. Now that felt so delicious that she could purr her content. Warmth, it would seem, was something that her feline seemed to love, as did she.

Isolt then brought up the festival that caused the raven-haired woman to twist a little to pivot her head to eye her friend who brought up her husband and how they met. "No you never told me and I was at your wedding." She teased that natural sarcastic kiss to her words.

"Good thing you can remedy that now. But how did it happen anyway? Love at first sight?" Those vivacious purple eyes turned utterly devious as she prompted her companion to continue. Her dark brows rose in that all too knowing way. Everyone knew love at first sight was code for near-instant passionate sex.

Although, that was fortunately not the words that began to form on the edge of her tongue. Harley's inner voice chastised as she bit her lip just a little as if to stop the words from pooling out. As if that was enough.

"Or is it love at first bite for vampires?" Ah ha.. Yup. She was hopeless and yet she didn't feel an ounce of shame at that fact.

Harley Westward
