That chuckle almost sounded strange to her, such a carefree sound. Something that hardly felt like them and in those moments, they almost seemed feeling. "You should know better than any, that failure can be fatal." That one-sided quirk of her lips appeared just as quickly as it dispersed.
That conversation soon shifts to Tetradore. Darcy so met his mismatched gaze with near pale ethereal eyes, a frown touching his handsome face, each time he did so he put himself at risk and yet she allows it. It was a common look whenever Tetradore was concerned. "Tobias serves me, even if he might not know it, it is more as a reminder to Tetradore what he had lost... he offers him a reason to live and a reason to die. He is leverage despite being utterly useless for anything else. He, I can use him in any way I please against my little angst filled cat, you should have seen Tetradore's little feline face when he thought he ate him.." What a perfect little weakness she could sink her claws into and one she had no problem to exploit. How would that very friend feel, knowing that remaining by Tetradore's side actually made him more susceptible than ever before? What a convenient little Achilles heel at her very disposal.
That realization that he had someone healing him on the backlines should have irritated her more than it did. "Sneaky.. Perhaps I should keep him here for a time, to break him just to see how long he heals without help. I could have him bring them to me.. Ah but it means so little.. Let his little healer try to mend the damage I do.. It won't work, no matter how often that flesh is smoothed over, those wounds... those true wounds will forever remain unreachable from his flesh." Her panther's necklace she gave him would see to it that he didn't die. To forever be tied to her until the day she ripped it from his throat. She could sense her lover's agitation at the talk of Tetradore, like a lit fuse ready to blow. It was no secret that hatred corroded away within his mind with a passion that nearly matched the way he revered her. He knew better than outwardly defy her in this matter, not now when he still waded within precarious territory and yet she does nothing to sooth it, further fueling that potent toxicity.
Another thing she was certain of was that Adrien would meet his demise, in time, but as she possessed Harlequin, there was no reason to just yet. He would either die in the way of his parents at a vampire's hand or he would play a larger role, she hadn't decided just yet. The fickle mistress so flipflopping like the very weather that tormented Sacrosanct, another storm so brewing, she could scent it, feel it upon that idle breeze. Now that there was a war to focus on, one little hunter could wait while they roused their own forces. The she-devil merely dismissed the topic with a mere flick of her wrist and a slight nod of her head. It was not over, not by a long shot, but she had tired of their ever-growing list of threats.
Darcy's words were laced with such derision, it practically dripped with a ruthless acid. It was true, family was useless. Nathaniel's familial ties have been nothing short of severed at the source, the vampire had proven himself to be unworthy of anything Risque offered, that unsteady loyalty shattered to ruin. Her own temper threatens to snap, her jaw tightening and eyes narrowing that would hardly dissipate until his true death. She had no patience for her brother's foolish whims, the man to fixated upon the small picture to ever amount to those lofty aspirations he craved. "She was nothing then, still is.. the only thing of value to that little thorn is that she belongs to me now." Like a taunt to her very brother to come out of his little hidey hole so they could end this once and for all.
That disgust for her last familial tie was no secret, one she hardly hid from her features as she told that story. There was always more, micro details to unfold into that larger portrait. Those she had no desire to delve into with her soured disappointment. They all fucking disappointed her. Harley, not anything more than a fool who should have died a long time ago and yet she refused to even with the vampires she so tampered with. At least Risque had done what the others had failed to do and tame that foolish worthless heart.
She had felt Harlequin's fear when she bit her, but she was full of defiance that night when she had Tetradore turn her that she wasn't completely certain if it was adrenaline or something far more delectable. Darcy only confirmed those suspicions with that delectable morsel of information. She could hardly help that wicked quirk of her lips, finding a certain humour in it. "If you know a mortal's fear, you own them.. That is the quickest way to see her become passive and obedient prey.. I am almost disappointed that someone who can cause such a stir is also the weakest if a bite is what she fears." She scoffed and yet it was laced with a sound of amusement, almost like a laugh that was never allowed to bloom. "As for family... they are the biggest disappointment of them all... They do nothing but hold you back.. white noise that will drown you out if you let it. Which is why it is better to watch them burn. If my brother so much as shows his face here again, I will tie him up here on this very rooftop and enjoy his screams as the sun claims him. You did yourself a favour to sever your ties young.." Perhaps that was why she cleansed all those that were hers of their family so they could be fully hers, and they would have nothing to hold them back as she broke them piece by piece. She leans against that iron rail, arching her back just so like she was a cat stretching. So willing those toxic thoughts to leave her.
It wasn't long before he offers her more wine, could he sense that building tension that rioted within her then? It was why that demand to see those powers easily fell swiftly from her lips. It did not take long as her lover promptly moves to appease her demands, doting upon her in a way she so desired from him. She toys with the metal at her fingertips, tapping an idle finger, listening to that delicate ping that filled her ears as she did so. Her eyes look out upon that lot below, looking almost too bare for now. He fills up her wine glass before bringing it towards her no doubt focusing on his next task at hand. She had never asked him of such a show of those powers until now, he did not dare show that hint of uncertainty that washed upon him and yet she searches for it all the same. To do so would have been weakness and damn if she tasted that metaphorical blood in the water now, she traces her tongue upon the sharp ridges of teeth. Oh, how part of her wishes for that stumble, like a tigress stalking her prey, ready to pounce at the slightest hint of vulnerability. He would not deny her, she shifts her form to allow that assessing look before she allowed her fingers to pluck that wine filled glass from his waiting hand. She waited for a moment, straightening her slender elegant form before languidly bringing it to her lips to allow that substance to coat her mouth.
How she never tired in the carefully constructed obedience, that submission that domineering side of her so demanded. Risque observes with intent as he moves with an impressive burst of speed like a bullet dislodged from one of his guns before perching upon that railing with poised, balanced precision. She watched with mild interest, ostensibly, he felt the need to show off. And to be honest she desired that very show. For a moment he merely stood perched there, like the world was his to control, showing no signs of lack of balance. She brought that drink to her lips in a languid fashion as if in thought. All before the vampire woman began to walk along that very railing with that drink poised artfully within her hand, the brush of fabric upon her legs almost desired. That movement was predatory. She had to move, her body demanded it of her. Like she were a trapped animal upon her own balcony, but there was no demand to her casual saunter. Her hips rolling as though the very top of that roof was her runway, it was almost satisfying hearing the own click of her heels as she continued that meandering but no less sinuous. That wind so ruffled the very strands of her blue-black mane, cascading voluminously down her back, relishing in the sensation as it tickles against her back.
She pivots sharply, pausing for another draw of that bloodied beverage before continuing her walk along that barrier, her free hand caressing the rail as she moved, dragging her nails along it as she moved. There was a moment of consideration and Risque offered him that moment of patience, that expectancy within her hypnotic pale eyes watching him as she drew closer once more and then that thundering roar of vehicles below caused her gaze to snap there. Those cars in a trained instance began to dismantle, and she could hardly stop that unsettling sensation at the thought of that impending destruction of her cars. The knowledge of his ability to mend them was the only thing keeping her quiet. She hesitates, turning her body to face the spectacle below. Idly caressing that glass that perched precarious within her hand while she observes that intention destruction, with nothing more than an internal grating.. subtle as it were. She wasn't sure how long she would be able to compose that control and yet she had demanded this of him. To showcase his powers. Perhaps she should have been more specific. The sound of metal grating and crunching, squealing its protest and yet so obediently obeying its master.
He looked like a conductor basking in the moons glow waving his hands as if making a show of it and he did not disappoint. Those town cars were no more in a manner of moments, reduced to nothing but parts. How she hoped he actually had a plan to do something of worth rather than merely playing with those 2017 model jaguars that had a purpose. She supposed it could be time to replace them with their newer versions and yet she hardly lets her mind wander on that thought especially when those parts began to fuse together. That is when things got interesting. That concern ever replaced by an inquisitiveness, a brow raising with a quickly fleeting interest.
The pieces melding together as if creating an organized purpose, with how many cars he had dismantled she anticipated so. It was almost mesmerizing to watch, even as that concern for the fleet of town cars to be destroyed in a matter of moments. Yet, with equal grace, they actually started to take shape. The agitation of those much larger cats was ever apparent as if sensing their master's own unrest and perhaps they hardly appreciated such construction impeding on what was deemed their own space. Nothing seemed to impede Darcy as he so diligently worked upon that Frankenstein vehicle. The she-devil was hardly sure what the purpose was. Risque's attention snapped towards those felines that she could feel pressing against that affinity as though they wished to sink their claws into that malleable metal. Her power reaches to snap at them like chastising whip, allowing that flash of irritation to unfurl at once, seeming to settle them... well, most. "Mauvais chats." She growled in warning before they retreated back to those sidelines, those slinking figures remaining apprehensive for now..
What was only minutes had felt like hours and yet.... What was suddenly erected in those long moments was nothing short of exquisite as the vampire mistress so slid alongside of that railing, drawing closer to that.... Creation. It was hardly a cat and yet, that metal monstrosity before her possessed her complete attention. Why had he not attempted something of this magnitude before? "Ah magnifique!" she exclaimed when suddenly the creature emblazoned to life, its eyes set alight with a near blinding intensity! Its face looked nothing but angry and ready to pulverize and shred anything that stepped in its path with those perpetually exposed predatory teeth. The largest feline, a brave massive male tiger felt the need to display its dominance against it, despite its wariness of the metal giant it so choose to ignore. She was hardly sure if that showed his stupidity or bravery to face it in those moments and yet she does nothing to stop it, drawing forth that wine glass nonchalantly to her lips as if enjoying the show. Darcy's feline-esque invention flared, what was once almost eerily unmoving suddenly retorted in response to that tiger's roaring bellow as if in a determined, fearless, challenge. In a terse instant, the monstrous machine launched forward, lunging at it with an impressive grace she hardly anticipated, the metal moved in such a liquid movement that it was nothing short of shocking. That grating Godzilla-like roar it made not like any cat ever and yet its sound assaulting and piercing to her very ears and she ate it up, a hungry smile for that impending fight spread across her painted lips. There was a desire for that blood to spilled gnashing within her almost savagely. Those vampiric tendencies roared with intensity inside of her with a ferocity of her felines she wields.
How lifelike that creature was. How vile and wrong it was, for the reason that it was not real and yet even she could not deny its power. She was torn between finding it an abomination and then wanting to play with it and test its very limitations. Her mind reels, quietly and her face betrays none of it, taking her time, allowing those thoughts to taste upon her mind's tongue.
At the tiger's retreat, the clear victorious metal cat moves toward its creator obediently, Darcy himself ready and fearless of his creation, her eyes trailing across his face that was illuminated by that moon's resilient glow. His emotions written upon his face for the moment seem unreadable as she could feel the ground beneath her tremor from that feline's approach. In what seems almost instantaneous, it rises high upon its haunches stretching its body smoothly upwards so it can peer out onto that ledge. It almost caused part of the building to crumble beneath its impressive weight. Its threatening, ominous claws locking into place upon that building's ledge to secure his spot there as its lights pleasantly dimmed. Darcy and beast came face to face before he drops with sure feet with one simple step backward. Risque watches as Darcy soon after affectionately caresses the metal cheek of that feline machine, she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. With none of that luxurious coat, or warmth of one of her cats... with none of its defiant heartbeats or intelligence and yet it almost deceptively displays something living. Something cognizant. She does not move forward even though that desire to examine it grips her tightly. "It obeys your every will?" Was it a threat? Risque's gaze travels from her lover's intent face toward the feline itself. Now, what would it do to flesh, which prompted those following words. "I want to see what it does to flesh of our own kind.." Her words are honied, possessing an eager amusement buried inside of that rich sound... How intrigued she wished to test its limitations right this very moment. She sipped the last of her wine placing that glass down on that ledge in front of her.
It was almost eerie when its head so pivots to look upon her, that purr escaping the inhuman feline, an imposter to the cats she so wields and yet....
It was a creature that did not feel, did not bleed. It simply obeyed. It was no mere cat, it was a war machine. The possibilities were endless and Risque had to delve more into its capabilities, including that of her own lover's ability to control it. She sauntered over toward the impressive beast, her assessing gaze never leaving it. At first, she admired those claws that dig into the building, those nails seemed impressively sharp piercing against the concrete as if it were skin. The way it moved seemed entirely lifelike, despite being made of metal, she could have sworn she saw its sides heave as though it were breathing.. perhaps that was the wine speaking. The vampire woman reaching out with her affinity as if to see if she had some control over it and yet she felt that connection empty, it was almost a pity as she would have enjoyed playing with such a creature herself. There was not an ounce of fear as she approached that waiting beast. That rumbling purr could be felt within her chest, vibrating through to her bones. In another fluid step, she found herself eye to eye with the beast, studying it closely like she would one of her newer felines.
Could she ride it? She reaches her hand easily from her side, caressing that metal, allowing to examine the sharpness of its teeth and claw. She presses her fingers against those jagged teeth to see how hard to had to press for it to draw blood, slicing open her hand and she makes no hiss, no curse... in fact, it was arguable that she felt... anything at all. "The only feline that is not in my control.." She hummed to herself, unsure if she is disgusted or impressed or a combination of the two conflicting within. She then smears her crimson blood across its obsidian-black cheek as though claiming it. Darcy so explaining that beast and Risque hardly turned her head just yet, as if entirely distracted by her own blood and yet she still listens. It irked her to be told what she couldn't have.. that irritation passing quickly and traded with a desire to see it work.
"I desire to see it hunt, to destroy..." She still had both hands upon that strange creature in an almost affectionate embrace, her cut attempting to heal and yet still bleeding. It was easily ignored as that anticipation for chaos seemed to urge her onward, her gaze eventually parting with the beast to meet her lover's waiting face whilst wondering just how fast it could go.
"I think this tips the scales... a creature that does not bleed or feel... it could rip and ravage through them. I almost want to send it after Blue Moon now just to see that it destroys his little bar and everything inside of it.." A smile soon curls upon those sinful lips. It grows slowly until those peaks of them are revealed, darkness creeping in her pale eyes, that begins to glow in hunger as that wicked idea suddenly strikes her. "Are any of those new... recruits kicking up a fuss?" She then questions slyly, mentioning the remainder Tybalt's people. Or perhaps they could sick this beast on some unsuspecting person walking by... although to test it upon a vampire seemed to offer her more information. " You have grown stronger.." she mused, allowing her hands to fall to her side once more. "I am impressed.. mon ténèbres." Now let it bleed.