Perhaps her brother's behavior would have been weird had she not always known him to be...aloof. He always seemed to have a wall up so it was not alarming to have him so stiff in this moment either. "Yes, Hunters. I woke up and-..." Damn it hurt her head to think back. "Fuckers stole my clothes." She grumbled, feeling rather violated at that fact; though whether it was the loss of clothes or nudity that bothered her was unclear. With a nonchalant shrug she headed up those steps, "I left and came straight here. I don't have any money or I would have just stopped to buy new clothes."
Nadya was barely a few steps up the stairs when her brother seemed to regain whatever composure he had lost and informed her that she no longer had anything here in the form of clothing or a room. Confusion and aghast disbelief crossed those delicate features, "What do you mean-...? I'm gone not even..-.. What did you do with all my clothes?" Dear god, why did her head hurt so much and why was there a massive blackness whenever she tried to recall something? Jackal had seen the rather uncomfortable situation and fled back out to his post to give the pair privacy. The young woman took those two steps back down the stairs and towards Tet. "...This is my home...I mean it isn't exactly where I thought we'd live, ya know, more steel...but- jeez Tet." Nadya quirked a brow, his behavior starting to become confusing. "Fine, I'll borrow someone else's clothes but...what's with you Aiden?" Her revert to his given name was reserved for times she was truly confused by him. "Did someone try to take off without paying up again or something?" How some things came so easily to her mind and yet others remained behind red tape. The young brunette could only stand there staring at her older brother quizzically.
Nadya Tetradore