
The east side of the city is the very heart of Sacrosanct - it's unique skyline is a clash between modern sky rises and small Victorian-inspired storefronts. In the heart of downtown, the sleek colored glass buildings reign supreme though their old-world roots can be seen in the most peculiar places from the lamp post styled electric street light to the stone sidewalks. The old world architecture slowly returns the further from downtown you travel, however. It's here that magic thrives, it hums in every stone and can be felt in every breath. Often, newcomers to the city may become overwhelmed by such sensations but, eventually, it becomes an ever-present feeling that's hardly noticed.

What You'll Find Here

City Creek Center
Dark Hunter Department
Inner Sanctum
Red on the Water
Starlight Tower

;; the fantasy on your mind

Posted on May 22, 2016 by SEBASTIAN ELLINGTON

Sebastian EllingtonI need to feel you again, feel my lips on your skin
for one night I could be him, no, I could be better

In truth, Sebastian had, in some fashion or another, particularly enjoyed making Dorian wait for the caress of his fingertips. After all, the man had proven quite adept at coaxing such a longing from the vampire himself when such restraint was required of him. It had been an unnecessarily long time since the Englishman had found himself in such a position to be lavished with such skilled affection and indeed he had taken every opportunity to enjoy those meticulously placed kisses and such taunting teasing of his ivory flesh. He had allowed, for some measure, for the foreplay to prolong further then he might have otherwise until the simplicity of Dorian's touch had been his undoing, nearly demanding his own reaction to show just how capable the vampire could be. After all, this was his realm of expertise. This was what his entire existence revolved around. Everything in his life, every bit of who he was and every power afforded to him was for encounters such as these.
Surely then, now was the time to relinquish that self control he so strove to maintain. He had hardly shown the fae everything he was capable of - his bite alone would certainly seal the deal of the solemn promise he had offered the fairy to coax him into his bed within the first place.

It was with this determination in mind that Sebastian saw to it that Dorian's pants were finally and completely discarded upon the floor of his bedroom, followed shortly thereafter with the man's undergarments only to provide Sebastian was the unrestricted access he so desired. His hand so firmly cupped Dorian, his fingertips moving with featherlight caresses to touch and tease from tip to base and back again, all too aware of what movements should draw what sensations. A small simper tugged at the corners of the vampire's lips at the sounds that echoed from Dorian's mouth. He could feel every inch of the man's naked flesh against his own and greedily his body took the warmth provided to him. He could feel the beat of Dorian's heart, hear it a the blood pumped through his veins as the fairy's breath quickened. It created a different sort of need within the vampire, one that was surely more beastial then anything else. He could hardly help the way his lips parted, his tongue finding his fangs with a want that he stopped himself from taking. Thankfully, he hardly had to restrain himself long before Dorian's lips pressed against his own, distracting the vampire with the taste of the fairy's kisses.

He could feel Dorian's fingers entangled in his dirty blond locks, just as he was all too aware of his name on the man's lips and yet he hardly ceased those steady rhythmic touches. He felt Dorian pull back, his crystalline gaze fluttering open to watch the man in front of him. He felt Dorian lean forward, the man's lips once again brushing against his jaw, followed by his throat. Sebastian was distinctly aware of that peculiar sensation of teeth against flesh, just as he too was aware of the invitation that he was so subtly provided with. That simple show of permission provided the vampire with a whole new wave of excited anticipation, his body too reacting in kind and carefully, maneuvering around his own hands, he pressed his hips further against those of his companion. His lips slowly moved towards Dorian's exposed throat and for a moment, he simply ran his lips gingerly over that sensitive flesh, as if sensing for the veins that ran beneath that porcelain skin. Slowly, his lips parted just at the base of Dorian's neck, the sharp pointed edges of his fangs toying with the flesh there before he firmly pressed his canines into the man's throat, creating two perfectly symmetrical puncture wounds and too flooding Dorian's system with his own vampiric poison.

In an entirely unsurprisingly fashion, Sebastian's own rather unique set of saliva hardly rendered his victims immobile or too filled with pain to move from his grasp. Instead, he had a fashion of filling his victim's body with dopamine, creating that same sort of pleasurable high. He was, more or less, akin to a drug in his own right. It was the knowledge of what his victims felt, what Dorian alone would now be feeling, that made his need for their blood somehow easier on him. His fangs pulled from those incisions, his mouth sucking just enough to coax the fairy's blood to pour forth and into his mouth. His lips pressed firmly against Dorian's skin and yet Sebastian made every point to ensure that not only was he still satisfying his lover but his ears too were steadfast upon the sound of the fairy's blood pumping through his veins, listening intently for any sign that he had taken enough without causing any harm to Dorian himself.
