The young faerie had certainly been genuine in her request that the other woman speak her mind to her. She knew of the hierarchy of the pack and the role that was supposedly thrust upon Samantha herself by association. She knew Raven was lower in that hierarchy than Nadya, and that as such she was always stepping on thin ice, trying to make sure she had found her place. Samantha saw the scars on the woman, knew that there was a past that made her the way she was, though she didn't inquire. Asking Raven seemed rude â€" she hardly knew the woman that well â€" and asking Aiden would be overstepping. Instead, the woman would just have to help reassure her on her own that her opinions were entirely valid with the young fae. Samantha did not have many friends â€" though she was certainly gaining them now that she had started to accept what she was â€" and she certainly appreciated the appeal of having Raven in her life. It was almost, almost, like having a family again. Especially when she would help her feel more at home on the Ark.
It was the question of whether or not Aiden had spoke of his past that caused the girl's expression to furrow in the mirror of the dressing room. "No, he hasn't really talked about his past. I know he lived in a club from Nadya, but that's all all I know." The fact hardly bothered Samantha. After all, she hadn't opened up much about her own past other than that she had been turned. Even then, Aiden didn't know the details, didn't know the girl that she was beforehand. They would find out more about each other in time, but for now, she was content with him. Happy, even. She was certainly still in that bubbly honeymoon-esque stage in which she couldn't help but grin every time she saw Aiden. Still, the reassurance from Raven that Aiden liked her around was enough to make her smile as she stepped back out with the woman. "I know I'm also happy to just have him around, you know," She smiled at the woman, her expression one of complete joy. "He makes me feel safe. And if you have an idea to make him happy, I want to do it."
Even though she examined herself in the mirror, Samantha's interest was hardly in the clothes anymore. No, her attention was fully on the Were girl who seemed to still be debating whether or not it was alright to tell her what she knew. Samantha returned Raven's small smile, turning to face her as if she could encourage her to speak. She tilted her head to the side as she took in Raven's words regarding the watch band. After a moment of consideration, the girl nodded firmly, as though she had decided it was a worthwhile gift to give him. "Do you remember what the watch looks like?" She inquired as she moved past the woman, stepping into the dressing room once again to change out of the tried on clothes and back into the street clothes she'd come in in. "Let me change, and then we'll go straight to a jewelry store." As she changed back, she couldn't contain the smile that appeared on her features.
The instant the woman stepped out with her pile of clothes she intended to buy, her eyes focused on Raven. "Raven, thank you. This is really such a brilliant idea. It's going to make him so happy, I just know it. And he'll appreciate that you tipped me off to it, I bet." She stepped forward, her intent to hug the woman before she paused, remembering Raven's nervousness when it came to being touched. "I really appreciate everything you've done for me, Raven. You've... you've been such a good friend to me." Without any further hesitation, the faerie girl moved towards the front of the store, placing both her pile of clothes on the counter and Raven's. The girl hardly paid attention to the total as the woman rang up their items, just handing over several hundred dollar bills from the wad that Aiden had given her before the shopping trip. If the clerk was bothered by the faerie girl and her wad of money, she graciously did not show it.
Once they were finished, Samantha collected the bags and led the woman out to the street. "So, where do you think would be the best place to get a watch band? You'll have to tell me all about this watch and help me pick it out, if you don't mind. And oh, a jacket," She considered the other piece of advice from the woman for a moment before a playful smirk appeared on her features. "He seems like the leather jacket type, doesn't he? Gives him that badass, don't mess with me, kind of vibe." She grinned, waiting to see if her tease would get a smile out of the timid woman.