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My Own Form of CHAOS

Posted on February 28, 2017 by Damon Marcello

He had been looking forward to this night for a long time, just the two of them in the cozy little space he called home. Sure, it wasn't as exciting as the office desk but he was sure there was plenty of redecorating they could do here. Even if things didn't get heated in that way, he was happy just to wrap his arms around her and hold her in front of the fireplace, watching the flames dance in her brilliant blue eyes. He could never get enough of her and now that he could call hers and soon, for good, he couldn't be closer to walking on cloud nine. He just didn't want Stefan to ruin all that for him. Stefan played the role of selfless baby brother all too well and the women seemed to fall for it every time. What they didn't know about him was that he was the one who decided to complete the turn and drink innocent blood. He was the one who forced it on Damon just so he wouldn't have to be alone. He was scared of living an eternal undead life without his brother at his side so when Damon told him that he just wanted to watch the sun rise and find peace, Stefan wouldn't have it. Damon almost didn't have this existence and because of Stefan, he did.

Katherine was supposed to be Damon's love and at first, Stefan pretended to be supportive, up until Damon found out that Katherine was skipping out of his room at night after their intimate moments and going to his brother's room to enjoy his company as well. She wanted to share them. Probably some sick twisted fantasy about brothers. Damon didn't want it but Stefan seemed to enjoy the attention. He was also the one who gave up Katherine's secret. When he got interrogated by their father, he gave in where Damon stayed strong, used to his father's abuses. It was because of him that the posse came to take Katherine away and burn her. It was because of him that they had to fight to try to free her. It was all in vain and they both ended up getting shot by their own father. That's how they died their human deaths. And then Stefan forced him to drink blood so that he would complete the turn into the undead. Damon told him he would never forgive him and so he hasn't, even to this day. If there was anything Damon was good at, it was keeping grudges.

He could practically feel her presence growing stronger even while he tried to psuh Stefan out the door. He didn't want him to meet her. While others might be more than happy to introduce the love of their life to their family, Damon wanted nothing of it if only for the experiences he had with his brother when emotions were involved. They tended to have the same taste in women, it would seem, and Stefan always had a way of swooping in like a knight in shining armor to show them just how much better he was than Damon. He wouldn't stand for it with Isolt. He had stood by and watched it happen with Katherine and then he had sacrificed his own happiness with Elena, if only before she chose him for herself and he decided to ruin it by leaving, thinking he was giving her the best choice. He wouldn't risk it with Isolt. She was far too precious. When Stefan opened the door, it was all he could do to fight the urge to grab Stefan by the throat and force him out the door. But he knew Isolt could handle herself. He just didn't want her to.

She took it all in stride though he could see the beautiful simper on her lips give way to surprise and then a suspicious politeness as she greeted Stefan and introduced herself as his fiance. He waited for the reaction from his brother, knowing he wasn't going to take that quietly. It was too out of character for the brother he always knew. The brother he probably wouldn't recognize in Isolt's presence. He could feel Isolt's gaze burning into him and though he tried to keep his features unreadable, he knew that even through that, she would see the tightness in his jaw and the thin set of his lips and know that he wasn't comfortable at all with this situation. He tried to keep his composure as Stefan ushered Isolt into the house, not wanting his hands on her at all but knowing that he had to stoke the fires of his possessive nature if only this once. He listened carefully as Stefan started asking if he was going to tell him, already cooking up a smooth answer when he noted the sudden look in his brother's eyes. He followed his gaze to Isolt's ring and his brows furrowed, knowing Stefan would recognize it as their mother's.

When Stefan finally raised his brow, Damon took that as an invitation to step forward and slip his hand into Isolt's and lead her gently from Stefan's reach. He led her to the couch, letting her sit if she wanted so he could go the bourbon he always kept stocked and start filling up three glasses. Passing one to Isolt, he gave her a reassuring smirk and even a wink as if to let her know that everything was going to be okay before he passed the second glass to Stefan and took a sip from his own.


He raised a brow now as if to remind his brother that he usually tried to call him on a regular basis, at least once a week, just to check in with him and see what he was up to but for the last two and a half months or so, Stefan's phone had either been turned off or he was ignoring his calls so he just kept leaving him voice mails, hoping to annoy him enough to make him call back. Knowing he wouldn't let the subject of the ring drop easily, Damon took a deep breath and another sip of bourbon before he took a seat besides Isolt and drew his arm around her shoulders.


His eyes twinkled teasingly at his brother, knowing that Stefan was a romantic at heart. He often liked to charm a woman and show them a good time. He played the committed faithful boyfriend for a while, even settling down and getting himself attached then usually something would happen and they would either leave him, get killed somehow, or something else unfortunate and he would sink into his depressing guilt state and blame himself then run off to a cabin in the woods somewhere and ty to avoid all people for years until he decided to come out of his hermit hole and try again. It seemed to be a never ending cycle for Stefan. Meanwhile, Damon cut his eyes to Isolt, watching her out of the corner of his eyes, wanting to make sure she was comfortable, or at least as comfortable as she could be under the circumstances. He remembered telling her about Stefan and Katherine, how he had been betrayed by his own brother. He hoped she would remember that story now and not think less of him for anything his brother might say.

Damon Marcello
My Own Form of Chaos