Ren Nomura

Ren  Nomura

General Stats

Name: Ren Nomura
Birthdate: July 20, 1997 A.D.
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'3"
Residence: Hawethorn Village


Species: Were
Animal: Siamese Cat
Date of Change: July 20, 1997 A.D.

Relationship Status

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Single


Ren had about as normal of a lifestyle as any were. Born to two weres and living in a small village for the first two years of her life before her family decided to leave Japan and come to the states, she really only remembers growing up in a small town called Flora Lake several hours away from any large cities. Like most girls her age with a fortunate upbringing where both parents had stable careers and little financial trouble, she was a bright and jubilant child with an innately curious disposition. These characteristics have more or less carried over into her adult years, making her a polite and sweet person, although that 'sweetness' can change into 'spiciness' depending on the situation. She can be feisty if needed, and she often isn't afraid to speak her mind, but she would rather get along with others instead. There's also an endearingly quirky side to her, which sometimes comes out in her OCD/perfectionist tendencies as well as her playfulness that might occasionally show as mischievous or cheeky. -------------- Power: Size manipulation. She can make herself as small as a mouse or as tall as 7 feet. In her cat form, she can make herself as large as a Belgian draft horse, maxing out at 20hh and 2,500 pounds. She can also make herself as small as an African pygmy mouse. She cannot change the size of others or objects.


Size Manipulation


Allergic To Bees


49 Total Points

Character Timeline


Kensley Sparks
Gender: Female
Species: Witch
Beylani Rose
Gender: Female
Species: Fairy
Roman Lionel
Gender: Male
Species: Were
Ren Nomura
Gender: Female
Species: Were