Sebastian Ellington
I thought you knew I was filthy rich
I thought you knew I never answer my phone
I thought you knew I was a late night with a bad bite I thought you knew.
For all the effortlessness that Sebastian was so capable of calling to that affinity, his abilities to utilize such gifts in his current state of mind was incredibly lacking. He knew well those feelings he could produce in others and the sheer extent of exactly how many souls he was able to sway. So often, Sebastian had to limit his own abilities and yet, presently, moderation was simply a concept that did not exist for the man. That use of that affinity made the vampire near exhausted as he all but fell upon the sidewalk, claiming how utterly difficult this vampire business was! That near scolding he was given in return only made that bottom lip stick out in that ever increasing presence of that pout. As it was, however, Sebastian was only half attentive to Arlo's disgruntled demeanor, his gaze wholly attentive to that small dog that seemed all too content to near prance towards them. That greeting only seemed to further bother his companion and yet, Sebastian hardly cared in the slightest, fully attempting to pet the overexcited puppy whilst Arlo saw to that man that would soon become his own victim. He hardly even seemed intrigued by that mere scent of blood as Arlo placed the fellow in his lap - both man and dog seemed wholly content to simply ignore Arlo altogether.
That little dog easily managed to pull a near grin upon his features, the thing wholly wiggly in that burst of excitement at being given any sort of real affection. Unfortunately for both dog and vampire, Arlo had far more different ideas then to allow the continuation of this pleasant introduction. That yank upon his ear near immediately caused Sebastian's head to turn with a yelp, the vampire hardly expecting the way those fingers were near shoved in his mouth, that blood coating those teeth and the tip of his tongue. Those navy blue eyes near stared at his companion for a long moment, the vampire's thoughts instead drifting to somewhere else entirely - mainly that evening the fae King had seemed altogether intent to paint with his own blood if only to tempt that more primal side of the vampire to life within the depths of their bedroom. That glorious memory, however, near evaporated before him like a puff of smoke as Arlo jerked his hand back, bringing Sebastian back to the present with that same sudden force. He blinked for a few moments as his tongue savored that bit of blood he'd been given, that taste prompted his nose to twitch, the scent all the more potent and soon, that need to feed all but took over.
His fangs bit solidly into the man's neck, injecting the unfortunate fellow with his own sort of venom as he so hungrily enjoyed that blood he was capable of coaxing from the veins in his wrist. That feast, unfortunately, ended far faster then Sebastian was prepared to let it. That taste of Arlo so quickly began to taint that source, near forcing the vampire to release his hold. The last thing he wanted was to consume more of that substance when his head was already this slowly fading mess of feelings he hardly knew how to cope with. Hie eyebrows furrowed as those now brighter hued irises turned up towards his companion, complaining over that venom that still held some small hold upon him. A near disgruntled look crossed his features though, truly, he was hardly mad at his friend in the slightest. In fact, if it were not for that desire to return home to the man he so loved, Sebastian would have likely enjoyed falling under the sway of that drug for hours on end. A soft sigh left his lips as he gingerly moved the man from his lap, the vampire slowly rising with a hint of unsteadiness and yet, he seemed far more in control of himself now then he was before. "Don't worry about it." He responded simply, instead approaching Arlo to let his fingers reach out and brush that little puppy's cheek.
The thing was rather cute, even he had to admit that. The puppy seemed vastly more interested within him then he even was his own owner. He was almost remiss to let it go. His head tilted to the side, considering that dog for a moment before he commented over his shoulder, entirely willing to offer his victim cash in exchange for that puppy. He was hardly surprised, really, that the man was a drug dealer to boot. He likely hardly took care of the poor dog. That surely explained the hounds enthusiasm for any hint of love. Sebastian could hardly help the near glare he offered the man, as if he was considering whether the fellow deserved to even make four hundred dollars off the puppy and yet, it was a little too late now that he'd offered it. His lips pressed together in a small show of distaste as he fished out his wallet, thumbing through it's contents to pull out four one hundred dollar bills. That cash was easily passed over to the dog walker before the vampire seemed altogether keen to join his companion and newly purchased puppy. The last thing he expected was that sudden shout at their backs that he knew them. Sebastian could hardly help the way he too froze at his friend's side, a brief glimpse of concern filled those blue eyes.
The vampire was only just becoming used to that popularity that his name seemed to create. The city's inhabitants had only just begun to recognize him, that news of his existence and relationship with Dorian had taken it's time to jump the ocean and yet, the man was not quite ready yet to have to abandon his current eating habits. Soon, it'd be near impossible for him to grab just anyone on the streets. Soon, he was going to have to establish his own dedicated little circle of victims quite like he had in the palace in Italy. It was a task he did not look forward to. Slowly, his gaze turned back towards the fellow on the grass, only for that idle comment that they were a 60's band to see his eyebrow raise. He watched as the man flopped uselessly back, the vampire shook his head ever so slightly, willing enough to follow that gesture of Arlo's hand to promptly leave the premises. It was only when they were far enough away from the man that Sebastian felt the need to comment, "I'm a little insulted. I'm fairly certain we both look way better than Simon and Garfunkel. Those two did not age well." That vanity was only just showing through and yet, soon enough, that puppy was quite near deposited into his arms. A grin crossed his features at that small wiggly animal, the licking of that tongue brought a chuckle to his lips. "His name is not Fido, Arlo." He protested amongst those warm sounds of laughter, his hand raising to pet the dog in hopes that it might stop the onslaught of kisses.
That sudden exclamation and the accompanied handing of that notebook was met with the same warm simper as he tucked it under his arm. "Thank you." He responded, entirely pleased that at least he had remembered the importance of that song in his near inebriated state. His eyebrow rose ever so slightly at the mention of the stairwell and yet...perhaps it was better not to ask. His memory of the past hour was hazy at best and yet a stairwell was certainly not within those thoughts at all. That inquiry of why the puppy was met with a small shrug. "I don't know...he was cute. He would have been wasted on that guy anyways." It was hardly a satisfactory reason to spend such money on a dog but...the thought of leaving the poor thing with that man had been damn near heart wrenching. He glanced back towards his companion as Arlo spoke his his home and that notion of eating again tonight. As much as he didn't want to admit it, the man was probably right. He gestured ever so slightly across the street, the vampire at least had enough wits to remember the layout of the city and the best way home. "Yeah, I live in the the Heights. I can find someone to eat in the East on the way. You're welcome to come, I need someone to hold the dog when I find someone else to eat...just....don't post my address all over facebook or something, okay? The last thing I want to deal with is the paparazzi at my front door. They were a bloody nightmare in Italy. We could hardly get the car out of the palace's front gates before they damn near swarmed us."