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Anacosta Heights
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River Dale

My Own Form Of CHAOS

Posted on May 08, 2015 by Damon

I'm sure it would be quite the interesting challenge to face off with the young girl vampire. She must be pretty powerful to have survived this long but I have a growing coven and I guess I need more members which means I need to learn how to get along better with my own kind. She is pretty intriguing though. As I crouch before her, I can feel her tension wean off. She seems delighted with my answer, her eyes glowing with approval as I assure her that I'm game for whatever she wants to do with the unfortunate human. It's not like she has a boyfriend to run back to. I already ended that for her. As I look to her, I feel her will bending to match whatever I tell her. I love my power of persuasion, something I've been able to play with ever since I was a young vampire. My powers have only grown since finding Sacrosanct, as if it's the core of supernatural power. I feel like a battery, soaking it all up, my power of absorption only reaffirming that that sky is the limit for me now. Soon I will be invincible. But drawing more vampires to my side would be the logical thing to do. Safety in numbers, after all.

Vampires are known to be solitary creatures, too stuck on power to feel the need of a pack like lowly weres so it's much harder to pull them all together, much less keep them together. Luckily I know Isolt would never tear herself from my side. Unless of course she found out how I really am in the darkness. And then there's Yumi. A quiet thing, she's got a pure heart but I'm intrigued by her power to draw on the energy of whoever she feeds from. She can turn into something more outgoing and vibrant with just the prick of her fangs and I feel she's a strong start to the coven. Now I just need more weapons, morepredators. She giggles like a child when she sees my power in the making, telling me her name and asking for mine. I offer her a dazzling smile of pearly white teeth. "Damon." I offer in return. Feeling my momentary distraction, the human girl starts to shift in her arms in uncertainty and I turn my patient gaze back to her as Anna Marie scolds her. I watch her own power unfold now as the woman straightens to her feet. The movement is graceful and yet in the way a puppet is graceful, not a dancer moving of their own free will.

I tilt my head, watching with amusement as the woman is pulled to the chalked out hopscotch pattern on the sidewalk. Her eyes are wild as she gazes around, looking for escape. As if reading her thoughts, Anna Marie warns her what will happen if she doesn't cooperate. I can tell she's having the time of her life, toying with this human. I probably would have drained her by now but I'm less patient these days. She bares her fangs and looks at me with a grin and I give her another indulging smile. "I agree." I turn back to watch the human, her sobs almost unbearable as she reluctantly hops into the beginning of the pattern. "Wait, wait." I call out, lifting up to walk over to her. She pauses, her eyes terrified as she looks at me. "You're doing it all wrong." I scold her, stopping before her and crossing my arms. she pokes her bottom lip out, practically pleading with me to help her. Sorry, sweetie, that's not my forte. I tilt my head, eying her for a minute before I offer a dark smirk. "You have to sing the song too or it's just not the same. Go on, I know you know the tune."

As she continues to plead with me, my brows furrow and I toss out some authority which instantly puts a rigid pull in her back. "Now put a smile on those pouty lips before I make you play my style and add some spikes to the sidewalk." I add as an afterthought as I turn away from her. I can hear her give one last sob behind me before she starts again. This time, the words are hesitant at first but she picks up speed and confidence as my power feeds into her. Her lips draw up, an almost pleasant smile that makes her a tad bit more attractive. Not enough to save her, of course. I go back to Anna Marie and sit on the ground beside her. "Now, I think that's better, don't you?" I offer her another smile, leaning back and relaxing as I watch the show.