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My Own Form Of CHAOS Isolt cont.

Posted on August 03, 2015 by Damon

I do feel the weight of her questions, of knowing she asks them of me and me alone because she truly values my opinion and that means something. Maybe that's why I don't want to lie to her. I do feel like there's still plenty to do in this endless lifetime; I do believe in that. I just know that there are some sad moments too if you let it in. I've learned when to turn off my humanity switch and let the animal come out. I know I'm not nearly the oldest vampire in Sacrosanct so I know if this were just a meaningless interview, she wouldn't have chosen me to ask. I know that she's only heard good things from me about being immortal so this is a change. Maybe it's the high from the fae blood finally seeping out of my system, bringing me closer to the ground. Of course I should have expected her to do for me just as I have done for her when she need someone to lift her spirits.

Her words bring a soft smile to my face, my eyes dancing in the light as I search her expression. "And so you shall." I respond with a genuine determination in my voice to make sure if I have anything to do with it that that happens. As she bites her lip and quirks a brow, I find my own brow tilting in answer. I can't help but chuckle under my breath at her words before I shrug lightly as if it's totally possible. "Maybe you will." Her next words fix my lips with a puzzled expression as I search her gaze, catching the thint lying therein that makes my own darken in more obvious wanting. "Then they're the unlucky ones, not to even get the chance to hold something so precious." I let my own gaze hold hers, holding back the almost irresistable urge to kiss her. God, how I want to taste those ruby lips.

As she looks to the ceiling, I follow her gaze, clearly puzzled. At her sudden smile, I tilt my head, expectant and curious. Her words draw a sly smirk to my lips before I nod. "As you wish." Eager to see what she's up to, I cross the room smoothly to flick the switch, letting my eyes adjust before I move smoothly back to prop myself on the bed beside her, maybe even a little closer than I was before. And then I watch as her eyes light up and she holds her palm up toward the ceiling. When the ceiling suddenly disappears, my eyes widen, truly impressed. Stars twinkle above us as naturally as if we were standing outside and I find my lips ever so slowly tugging into a fascinated grin, pearly teeth showing as I slowly lower my gaze to hers, awe in my expression. My gaze lowers even further as her hand falls to mine, watching our fingers entwine as naturally as rope being made.

Our hands seem to fascinate me almost as much as the night sky overhead, my eyes only able to stare at our fingers for the longest time as her head slowly falls to my shoulder. My shoulder relaxes completely for her own comfort, my body seeming to melt around her like a pillow. I listen to her words with an odd sense of calm. It warms me inside to know that she thinks back to that night on the cliff because she was with me. I got her to face one of her fears and jump that night. The words are whispered softly from my lips before I can stop them. "I can make you whole again. If you'll promise to be mine." My eyes slowly lift from the gaze of our hands up to find her own blue eyes once more, searching her expression as I wait for her response.
