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My Own Form Of CHAOS

Posted on June 20, 2014 by Damon

The golden haired hunter is not the only one watching a black and white snow leopard on this night. The sun has just decided to dip below the horizon but I was already daring the vicious light, sneaking in the shadow of buildings and trees, too curious of the cat tail I saw go around the corner of a building to let it go without investigation. I've met less than a handful of Weres since coming to Sacrosanct but I'm finding out pretty quick that they're pretty numerous in this town, almost as numerous as the hunters. Raven wasn't too fond of me judging by the slap she gave my cheek and Tobias odd one but not someone I find sane enough to actually hang out with. The one I met in the cemetary is a whole new breed unto herself, one I have yet to fully understand or put a name to. She's the only one I feel I can get along with though so that's saying something.

I follow the cat until I see the hunter and then I recline back in the shadows, watching from a distance as she goes into a very nice house. A thief, huh? Now I've seen everything. I hold back laughter, waiting patiently as the hunter is for her to return. She does as expected, walking out within a few hours. Her pockets look a little fuller than they were when she went in. I do find myself vaguely curious as to what she's got but there are more important matters. For instance, the hunter who just decided to pull a ghost and appear in front of her. I notice he pulled his hood up while he waited but I already saw the golden hair on his head. He's not fooling me.

He folds his arms and calls out to her tauntingly, asking what she has but I'm sure within the next few moments or so, he's going to make a move. I decide to scatter his attention. He's fine with one on one cause he is confident in his ability to outsmart the leopard but what if he's got two super humans to worry about? Things might get a little...interesting. He's not the only one who likes to play with his prey.

I move up behind him fast, not close enough for him to reach me if he wants to play tag with a stake or something, just close enough for him to feel the wind right before I whisper tauntingly.

"Show me yours and I'll show you mine."

I cross my own arms, a mirror image of him, of course with better hair and paler skin. Plus, I don't have the hood on my head. Who wears hoods now a days? Trying to play Robin Hood or something? Hunters, I swear. Where's the originality?

Damon Marcello
My Own Form of Chaos