It was cooler then even he had anticipated this evening, the rain still thudding against the dark window pane in a constant stream that had barely become noticeable to the stallion, gaze lifting briefly towards the clock on the wall. It was only just past one in the morning, Calire and Calliel having retired to bed some hours ago, leaving the snowy haired man alone within the lounge room and what remained of the fire slowly dying out. It was purely for their benefit that he had moved to light it regardless, he hardly felt the cold unless he desired to and yet tonight even he had been forced to raise the level of his own power to prevent the chill from nipping at his skin. His attention moves silently back to the book within his hands, folding over another page and returning smoothly to his own thoughts. It was a rare night indeed that found the man at home and so very....content, yet this evening even he had been driven back by the rain, absorbed instead of own of his lesser known though preferred pastimes- reading. The books that surrounded the room near wall to wall surely testament that, half of them scattered about through Claire's determined efforts to learn his native language. She was making a valiant effort so far, even if she had referred to the mailbox as a sandwich. It was something, in the least. Frost had only managed to read another half a page, fingers tapping absentmindedly against the arm of his chair, the man content to lie across it in a manner far more casual then his usual stance, legs hanging over the side when a knock at the door saw his features frown rapidly.
He hardly expected guests, much less on a night like tonight, the clap of thunder and subsequent lighting briefly illuminating the room far more than his reading light had, the snowy haired man momentarily allowing his far more animalistic sense to extend in search of this sudden visitor. The knock comes a second time before the man finally extricates himself from his armchair, tossing the book onto the small table beside it and strolling into the hall. Even within the house he can smell this particular visitor, the scent of horse a generally overpowering one, especially wet horse. Of all the beings he had expected to see standing upon his doorstep in some state of distress however- this was perhaps not one of them, violet gaze widening slightly at the far taller young man with the mop of wet, golden hair.
Are you going to let me in or not, Frosty?
A momentary eye roll is all he is content to give the fellow before stepping aside, allowing the other man to step past him, dumping his layers of sodden clothing in the hall as he did before one arm gestured loosely to the lounge room he had just left, another log tossed haphazardly on the fire before the violet of his gaze truly managed to examine the companion he had not seen in nearly three years.
"How on earth did you travel this far from home, let alone find me here?" What? No hello or how you been? Joan, the Mounted Unit needed more numbers for a mission next month and we were shipped out. I just spent hours in one of those boxing crates they make us fly in now and Christ if someone tries to feed me those pellets again all kick them into next week.
For whatever reason the stallion found his companions momentary displeasure amusing, the faintest hint of a simper tracing his lips as he did, before he moved to recline easily within his chair once more. He was pleased, more so then he cared to acknowledge, to see Riot so alive and well and yet the mans presence here was....problematic in itself. He trusted however, that his companion had come alone and that Joan would hardly divulge his whereabouts to any whom might be searching. For his part, Riot simply moved to shake his hair again, long fingers running through the tousled golden strands in an effort to dry them, shifting closer to the fire before Frost spoke once more.
"You've come from home then? How is...everything, I suppose."
The moment of silence that moved to exist between the men was hardly purposeless, as if each seemed to question entirely how much should be said upon the topic before Riot managed a sigh at last.
Things are changing, things you should know about. You've been entirely blacklisted though your Mother suffers the most for it, she has long since passed being of any use to them and that worries me. Without you or I and no other children she is at risk I suppose. Though the biggest news surely comes in the wake of Leif- he had less then fifteen this year.
For a moment the man felt both his eyes lift in surprise at the information offered. Leif could only be in his fifties, not to entirely old realistically, they usually lasted beyond that and yet longevity, let alone stamina, it would seem- had come to afflict the man he had known briefly as his Father. On the matter of his Mother, for now at least, he was content to remain silent, hardly gracing Riot with any of his thoughts.
"Who will replace Leif then?" I don't know, it was coming regardless, his bloodline has dominated for some time now, they will outcross again I am sure. You saw to that with your....show. Any of our half siblings we called into question after your performance and they begun to consider Leif's blood a little....flighty.
The faintest hint of a chuckle managed to part from the stallions lips all the same, the mere thought stirring upward some momentary memory long since forgotten, Riot too seeming to manage a smile though it hardly reached the eyes of either man, the taller of the pair speaking at last though his voice was hardly more then a whisper at this stage.
You don't know how many of us you doomed and I don't think you even care........ but I still find myself having to thank you for it all the same. I have a daughter now you know, they let me see her, briefly- but let's speak of something else for a while, have you found your- oh.
Frost's own gaze moved to follow Riot's, features frowning slightly at the sound of someone lingering outside the door, that bond shared so smoothly between pack mates assuring him of entirely whom it was.
"You can come in Calliel."
It hardly mattered, he supposed, what the girl might or might not have heard, it would mean little to her all the same he is assured, one hand gesturing smoothly to his blonde-haired companion.
"Calliel, this is Riot, a Were like you and I and a friend of mine. Riot, Calliel. Well isn't she a damn pretty thing! "She is, though you can sit down or I will sit you down."
It is harsher then he truly intends perhaps, the look he offers the other man rapidly seeing a mildly crestfallen Riot seat himself again, the order of dominance decidedly clear in this moment though both stallions are inclined to eye each other still in a manner of understated conflict. It is simply...instinct perhaps and yet he hardly wishes to subject Calliel to any of Riots instinct.