It is perhaps fifteen minutes or so later that the tall, toned blonde pulls up within the street, the car parked outside of his own apartment building, having no truly other decent idea as to where to take the unconscious woman. A hospital would never work, her wounds not easily explainable and he hardly once any police becoming involved in Hunter work. Humans were a stupidly vapid species and he has little desire to deal with them tonight, having decided patching the girl up himself was....perhaps the least annoying method of dealing with her- save for leaving her in a gutter somewhere. He moved to lift her carefully back into his arms once more, golden eyes turned upon her features, searching for any further sign of life beyond the rise and fall of her chest, her body still warm at least- the heater in his car having assured that. He engages his own affinity once more, bolting for his own front door, assuring no one else is given to catch a glimpse of for tonight, his speed allowing movement far faster than even a vampire eye could track. One foot kicked the door closed behind him, his apartment small and yet neat. After all, he had truly few possessions beyond the basics, the man having become used to something of a nomadic lifestyle, having chosen to reside within River Dale as opposed to the usual grandeur most Hunters existed in. He had money, there was little he couldn't afford, the car outside surely proof of that and yet- he simply preferred to be alone.
The warmth of the apartment was a welcome change for the cool air outside, the young man moving towards his own lounge room now. Maybe he was willing to offer first aid, but she certainly wasn't going to be given his bed. His room was his own and hardly anything he was willing to share with some...silly girl. The lounge would have to do. He laid her down easily, lifting her legs to rest against upon the arm of the couch, elevated slightly to at least assure what blood she had left remained nearer the more important organs, wandering from the room to return moments later with the same first aid kit he had used to treat that ridiculous Arianna girl that was forever attempting to steal items of his clothing. Even the thought brought a frown to his lips as he knelt beside the still unconscious girl. He is hardly pleased at having to do such things and yet he works with that same professional, methodical ease in which he does all things- cleaning the wound at her side with as much gentleness as he can muster, pleased perhaps, that the girl was far too unconscious to be aware of him in these moments. The wound was certainly deep and yet why it hadn't begun to close he hardly knows. Did she have some sort of...condition? He shook the thought away for now, along with any other lingering realisations that her skin was so very warm and soft beneath his hands, the rest of her surely feeling just as desirable, the thought momentarily resting within his mind before it is harshly pushed away. She was fortunate perhaps- that despite his charming attitude there is some part of himself that is...decent, his mind turned entirely to the task at hand. Evidently he was going to be forced to engage in more human methods of wound treatment.
The gauze bandage was easily applied, pressed and tapped firmly against the now clean wound, the pressure sure to stop- or at least slow the bleeding enough to give her Hunter abilities a chance to heal and close the wound. Were she a human she would surely have required stiches and yet, for now at least, Azrael is content to believe that with some assistance the nature of her species may see some success. With the wound bandaged and treated he simply moved to lift to his feet once more, first aid kit left on the coffee table nearby, a wool blanket tossed haphazardly over her as he pauses only long enough to scrawl a...note of sorts upon a Post-It, the barest hint of a smirk tracing his lips as he proceeds to stick it unceremoniously to her forehead, the girl sure to get his 'note' whenever it is she has the manners to wake the hell up and stop using all his couch space, his written words perhaps the first indication that the boy may actually possesses a sense of humour.
We are not even close to even.
Tossing the note pad and pen back upon the table he simply moves to head for the shower, his form tired and sore and....bloodied, stripping off his own clothing as he moves, dumping jeans and his favoured sleeveless hoody along with boots, his weapons and the padded leather vest he wears beneath, momentarily inspecting the new puncture wounds within the boiled hide before that too is tossed upon the bathroom floor. The scalding hot water is a relief, shoulders rolled in satisfaction as his muscles automatically begin to loosen, fingers brushing through the length of his now damp blonde hair, leaning back against the shower wall in some effort to wipe this entire night from his mind. Hopefully she'd be awake by the time he was finished and he could send her on her way.
If she'd left blood on his car seat though, he was going to send her the cleaning bill.
Alekai Azrael Evero