You know she wasn't that difficult to keep up on my head. She didn't weigh much, but it wasn't all that comfortable. I ease my head upwards keeping myself steady as I near her closer to the branch. I am pleased that she hadn't fallen yet and she managed to hold herself on that branch. Slowly I lower my dial away from the branch, careful enough not to tap or bump into anything, after all she's all the way up there. My eyes follow her every move, both dark ears pointed forward with high interest. Hearing that she was okay while she climbed up the trunk was satisfying to hear. I can hear her call out to me, asking if I am ready, but I am not quite sure how this is going to work. I mean, I'm not a human, I'm a horse and I don't think I can catch things fairly well. Yet before I can say anything she begins to cut the apples down. Quickly I take a few steps back letting the red fruit fall to the ground.
Slowly I ease towards the tree, lowering my dial and grabbing the apple with my teeth and then put it inside the hollow of the tree. Again I take a step back letting the apple fall and then go up to it again and place it again in the hollow. When I pick up the final one I hear her call out to me once more. I tilt my dial to the side when I notice she seems far too high up and on such a tiny thin branch. I do hope she is careful. I hear the snap of the thin branch breaking and I can't help, but let out a whinny when I see her small fluffy frame fall. Quickly I try to line myself underneath her, aiming for her to fall on my back, and as soon as I feel her land there, I quickly grab her tail, gently with my teeth, holding her to my back for a moment. I let go of her tail the moment I feel she is steady on my back, exhaling the breath I had been holding.
"Abby, are you okay?"
Calliel Alosi
Now I'm Unbreakable, It's Unmistakable