
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

the sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead

Posted on May 01, 2019 by AIDEN TETRADORE
You can't see but I've become a monster

It was a careful guise of utter neutrality the Were-King wore throughout that length of the wedding. Though Tetradore had participated in that sacred ceremony for Isolt alone, and though he had long ago admitted defeat in the quest for the young woman's heart, that hurt and resentment still echoed within his soul, despite his own efforts to simply move on from the redhead. She seemed happy though, those pregnancy hormones clearly bringing her pale figure to life, causing her skin to near glow with warmth. It was no secret that Tetradore hardly thought Damon was worth her and yet, nor did he even for a moment consider how he might treat her better or some such nonsense. He was nothing if not a despondent realist. They were a match that would have never existed for any great length of time and now...he had someone else waiting for him, sitting behind him in one of those seats watching the wedding before him with the same blase feelings. The Were-King was, admittedly, nothing short of glad when the ceremony was over and the pair in front of him were officially announced husband and wife. Those two words alone made the hair on the back of his neck stand on edge, leaving him desiring little more than the sensation of Mira nestled against him. That glistening blue evening gown had looked nothing short stunning upon her, so emphasizing her hourglass figure in a manner that still lingered in his mind.

The very moment the wedding was released for cocktails, Tetradore was nothing short of keen to find his date. Mira was nothing short of a vision, the Were-King effortlessly finding her where she stood at the edge of the aisle, waiting for him. His hands settled upon her waist as he maneuvered her gently out of that main throng, crowds, after all, had never been his forte. "I know I already told you this look ravishing, Mira." Tetradore murmured, though, for the moment, he hardly acted upon those desires to caress her skin. The dance the two played was far more subtle, neither terribly inclined at those public displays of affection though Isolt's marriage selfishly saw him desire her all the more, childish though it was. A weak smile crossed his features before his emerald eyes turned from her, the man momentarily distracted by a glimpse of gold he'd seen moving though the crowd, that hue belonging to one man in particular. His brother. Quite as if on cue, the Italian King and his husband made their own presence known, their very existence prompting the Alpha to drop his hold upon the girl as they momentarily chatted - that small gathering an almost welcomed distraction from the snaking line for alcohol that Tetradore found he too desired. The warm simper that momentarily graced his features dissipated the moment his sibling and brother-in-law took their leave from the couple, clearly intending to otherwise socialize with other friends the pair had spotted amongst the crowd. Tetradore had, admittedly, been nothing short of vague in his relationship with all individual's present, purposefully leaving out that Dorian was his sibling just as much as he had left out that he'd begun to frequently take Mira to his own bed despite his hesitance to cement their relationship in any official fashion.

Thankfully, the she-wolf hardly seemed inclined to press him on any such things as titles and, frankly, he was grateful for her presence tonight. "I could use a drink after all of that." He admitted softly only to gesture ever so slightly towards the overcrowded bar. The almost quizzical look upon Mira's features was all that was required to prompt the roll of his eyes - that was a look he knew well. Somehow, the girl had become keen in her craft at pulling from the reserved man things he was far more inclined to ignore. In turn, Tetradore had quickly discovered that he hardly had the fortitude to withstand her probing questions on matters that were, often, hardly worth such effort in the first place. "She told me I was loved before she had me walk her down the aisle. God only knows what that means." He offered with a small shrug of his broad shoulders, though he had, admittedly, ruminated upon that very peculiar choice of phrasing ever since it'd left Isolt's lips. The she-wolf already held some understanding of just whom the redhead had been to him - that alone was a tale she'd pulled from him when he'd propositioned her to accompany him, even if it was a rather censored version of the history he shared with her. Frankly, those past feelings he'd held for Isolt were hardly the only reason for Tetradore's trepidation tonight. The presence of his sister within the wedding party had been nothing short of a surprise. He was more than aware of the way Mira's own gaze seemed to drift towards the girl and her children, Frost settled at her side in the way he so often was and yet, the two Alpha's had merely regarded one another from across the room with a small nod of acknowledgement. "I had no idea she was coming," Tetradore uttered pre-emptively to the golden-eyed woman beside him. "She hasn't said a word to me. She's probably still pissed about....fuck, I don't even know what. I can't believe Isolt put her in the wedding party and didn't say anything either."

aiden tetradore
