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Finally. Finally he could wisk her away and have her all to himself. And that's exactly what he was going to do. After some half hearted good bye's and polite pleasantries, Damon reached for his wife's hand, brushing his lips against it in a kiss before giving her a subtle wink that said all too well what he was thinking. It was time to go. He'd had more than enough of sharing her with the crowd and letting them gossip and fawn over her swollen belly in that beautiful dress. Now she was all his for a while. And he'd never want it to end; he knew that, already. He waved to a few people and went so far as to pick her up, cradling her gently to his chest as the limo pulled up and the driver came around to get the door. "You'll have to get used to this treatment sooner or later, darling. Might as well start now." He whispered the words lovingly into her ear as he placed her inside the limo and closed the door behind him. He was quick to slide right up against her till their legs were touching. As they started driving, he found his hand cradling her own, his thumb drawing small circles on the back of her palm as if he didn't know he was doing it. He had a small knowing smile on his face as he looked out the window, waiting for the hundreds of questions he was sure was going to start at any moment. He had done well to keep the honeymoon plans a secret from her, knowing that it would drive her crazy. He had so many surprises for her and he wanted to keep them all to himself until they were well and truly alone. As the word "alone" hit him, he was quick to sweep his gaze over to her large stomach, the corners of his lips quirking as he leaned down. "And how is Salvatore Jr. doing today? I haven't had a lot of time to have our chats like we usually do. Your bridesmaids don't play when it comes to separating bride and groom." He scowled, obviously displeased with not having her in sight for the best part of the last 48 hours or so. He loved to tease her about the baby being a boy, knowing that she was utterly convinced that it would be a girl. He knew he wouldn't care either way. He would be sure to be wrapped around their little finger in no time. |