I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
It was, perhaps, well known how exceedingly difficult it was to pull the Were-King from the bed in the mornings. In truth, a large portion of it was simply due to the erratic nature of his sleeping habits. There were nights spent within the depths of his own personal hell that resulted in the man falling into bed only after the sun had risen. So too were there nights in which the Ark's fights extended late into the evening, the crowds constantly demanding more of that bloodshed and violence. Mornings such as this, when the Were-King rose with the bright early sun, were a distinct rarity in every aspect. A small, sleepy simper spread across his features at Mira's insistence that she was just as awake as he. Ah, she knew him too well! How...easy it would be to snuggle further into the warmth of those blankets and drift off again into the blissful nothingness that was sleep. He knew well there was little to be said in response to her. Any retaliation would be altogether futile and so, the Alpha merely offered her a soft grunt of vague acknowledgement. He could hear the soft giggle upon her lips as she rolled within the comfort of his arms. His hand shifted slightly upon her waist, repositioning only just enough so that the bed remained the epitome of comfort.
Her lips gingerly pressed against his. Tetradore's own efforts to return that kiss were half hearted at best as his emerald eyes fluttered open. The bright sunlight seemed to magnify every delicate hue of his irises, making them all the more striking even as he squinted in the harsh light. Mentally, Tetradore made a note to figure out the god forsaken blinds, if only so they might sleep in later tomorrow. After all, despite his inclination to linger in bed, there were still surprises nestled deep within that floating superyacht. Tetradore rolled onto his back, another yawn echoing upon his lips before the Alpha informed his girlfriend of the need to get up if they intended to investigate those presents he had secured for her. Sluggishly, the man forced himself to sit upward, albeit with a groan of regret upon his lips. His gaze scanned the expanse of his bedroom, the very...modern opulence of it was so unlike what he was used to and yet...perhaps this was the exact reason he had been inclined to this level of luxury. It was...different from the victorian esque likings of his Mistress or the old age intricacies loved by his brother. That minimalist style was...clean. Those thoughts, however, were pushed from his mind as Tetradore tossed the blankets off of him, only to rise to a stand beside the bed with an idle contemplation of breakfast upon his lips.
Tetradore reached up, stretching out his figure before he moved towards the haphazard collection of bags and luggage at the foot of the bed. He glanced up towards his girlfriend at Mira's mention of his father's legendary croissants, only to snort softly. "I doubt it, it takes him days to make those things." Matteo was....particular about his cooking. He had years to perfect the craft and that, Tetradore had learned, made it difficult to replicate those dishes his father seemed to cook so effortlessly. He pulled several items of clothing from the bags at the foot of the bed. The denim of his jeans were pulled up over his cotton boxers before the man tossed a shift over the hard plains of his chest. Little consideration was given to his usually curly locks of brunette hair, much less any other dutiful preparation when his stomach growled in demand for food. Tetradore glanced back over his shoulder at his girlfriend, informing her he'd talk to the chef while she got ready for the day before, perhaps, he might reveal those very surprises that had provoked them from the bed in the first place.
Mira's promise was brushed off with a brief wave of his hand before Tetradore left the comfort of his bedroom. A small frown crossed his features as he glanced down the hall of the ship. The super yacht was...vast and frankly, even if he knew the floor plans nearly by memory, it was something else to have free reign of the boat in person. Tetradore meandered through the ship at a leisurely place, glancing in several of the rooms he passed. Later, perhaps, they would explore everything the boat had to offer but, for now, Tetradore at least strove to stay on task. It hardly took him long to make his way towards the kitchen, the room all but a bustling of activity. He easily flagged down the head chef by name, his voice alone was enough to garner the man's immediate attention as Tetradore requested breakfast in the next half hour or so. His desires of what breakfast should consist of, however, was left entirely vague and wholly lacking Mira's want for those chocolate croissants that he knew well they would be unlikely to craft in such a short amount of time. It hardly took him terribly long to return to the comfort of his bedroom, even though Tetradore made a point to take his time, venturing through the hallways to check on those very presents he had to give before he did so. In the end, he hardly expected Mira to be ready by the time he re-entered his brightly lit bedroom, just in time for Mira to poke her head out of the closet, of all places. Had she started putting away the clothing they'd bought?
Tetradore's brow rose at the feminine laugh upon her lips as she insisted she was more than capable of dressing quickly when surprises were on the line. He watched as she stepped out of the closet only to place her hands on her hips as Mira continued to protest that joking about surprises was nothing short of cruelty. The Alpha could hardly help the roll of his eyes as his head shook softly. "When have I ever joked about surprises?" He inquired as he held out his hand to her, waiting only so long as it took for her to cross the space and fit her fingers with his. "Come on," Tetradore encouraged her as he led her towards the door of the bedroom. He hardly hesitated to investigate the vast new space as he had before, the man far more purposeful as he led her down the spiral staircase and onto one of the lower floors. The garage stood right at the base of the stairs with a large window showcasing the low lit room within. Sunlight from the pool above filtered through the skylight, casting blue colors and waves upon the sleek Lamborghini and newly acquired Bugatti. He led her down the hallway alongside the garage, only to lead her into the space itself. The Alpha released her hand as he leaned against the frame of the entryway, only to nod further into the space at the singular vehicle covered with a large pale grey cover - the bottom of it's wheels alone the only thing visible. "Surprise." He said simply, allowing her the opportunity to 'unwrap' it all on her own.