What a decidedly haughty creature this mare was in nearly every way. That she thought highly of herself was abundantly clear and yet Frost found her distinctly opinionated persona as intriguing as he did...respectable. Why should she not have a high opinion of herself if she felt she was worth it? After all, how many true unicorns existed within the world? If she had the wit and presence of thought to back up her veritable attitude then why shouldn't she be unapologetic about it? Hmmm. How intriguing a creature she was. Frost's own distinctly dry humour however was quick to intercept her own sarcasm. The stallion was content to point out her veritable failings in achieving much of anything so far- despite her apparent belief those answers she sought were owed to her in some fashion. Perhaps by way of her sheer persistence. Frost merely allowed one eye to raise in some vague display of amusement at her insistence that she failed to see his point. Her features shifted into something very near akin to a pout. Such an expression a decided effort for an equine and yet one she seemed to manage all the same. Frost's own lips quirked slightly in amusement once more before the unicorn fixated again on that topic of his wings and her determination to discover how he had summoned them- and where they had gone. Alexander, apparently, a veritable villain to her mind as she queried the Hunter's part.
It was rare in every sense for anyone, human or equine, to show such a lack of interest in Alexander. The world at large seemed largely fascinated with the ancient Hunter. Even Frost had become used to merely standing idly by while one being or another strove to gain the Hunter's attention and favour or quiz him on the plethora of years he had lived. This mare, however, seemed neither aware of who he truly was- nor did she seem to care in the slightest. Frost's very query of what she intended to do to Alex if he had, in fact, stolen his wings however was nothing short of unexpected. Frost felt both eyes raise in response to her distinctly detailed and decidedly...violent description of that punishment she sought to enact. It was foolish of him, perhaps, to underestimate the mare simply because of what she was. Just because a unicorn symbolized purity hardly meant she need embrace that very trait entirely. After all, how many people had underestimated Frost himself merely because he was a horse? As if they believed him somehow less fearsome then a wolf or a lion. As if a pony was hardly capable of harming them. Hmm. How little they knew- and how many had paid for it over the years. The mare that stood before him, after all, so surely had a woman somewhere within. One so apparently unafraid to exact any revenge she deemed justified. Frost, in that moment, was hardly opposed to admitting her answer had been unanticipated and yet it made her only more intriguing to the often aloof war horse.
It would, however, be unfortunate if she sought to...dismember Alexander for a crime he hadn't committed. Frost, in the very least, content to omit his rider from any supposed criminality in the theft of his wings. The unicorn, however, remained equally insistent on discovering their whereabouts. Her question was met with one of Frost's own. Why exactly did she seek to find this pegasus so badly? The near sudden silence that overcome the snow-coloured equine was perhaps more telling then she intended. Her plan, apparently, went no further then simply finding him. The mare so seemingly having failed to consider exactly why she desired to seek him at all other then for some apparent shared....uniqueness in a world already filled with supernatural oddities of some extent. How readily he understood that notion- even if not for the reasons she offered him. After all, he had been born different from every single other equine within his homeland. From the shade of his eyes, to his lack of vision, to his size, to his abilities- to his very personality. He had been different from the beginning. Even now so much of the world failed to understand him. His very nature so often seemed...offensive to them. All of that had been before the wings.
The mare's own head tilted slightly, as if she contemplated those very words before softly insisting that here, on the plains of Mongolia, that perhaps he was unique and yet that, it seemed, was the extent to which she deemed his understanding. Hmm. Perhaps he was not the only one to underestimate another tonight.
"Believe what you want."
Those words so hardly held any disdain. Frost was content to offer them as simply and unemotionally as he did most things. The words a simple statement. The snowy unicorn moved to step further away from him then as she wandered around that tent in which Alexander continued to sleep soundly. Frost's query of where her rider was seemed to bring about nothing short of offense (Frost was certain a lot of things seemed to offend her) before that question in regards to her pack only seemed to baffle her. The unicorn revealing she lived alone as was the nature of her species. Were unicorns truly so different from horses?
"You have no...stallion then?"
It was, perhaps, a decidedly bold question and yet Frost saw little need to deny the very notion that she intrigued him. Thoroughly. Was it entirely wrong to ascertain whether or not she had a male companion? How very much both the human and equine part of himself desired that information. It was his own near cryptic and yet telling words that seemed to intrigue her however. His suggestion that those wings were merely invisible to her seemed to coax her forward all the more as she turned to face him again. The unicorn mare, this time, coming closer toward him then she had previously dared. Frost's own form stilled as if he near feared some sudden movement might spook her away. His violet gaze shifted, following her motion as she moved to inspect his shoulder as he queried whether or not she might consider....staying with Alexander and himself. If her horn could be concealed like his wings then there was no reason she could not trail behind them in that race. There were far better places in the world then the dry, desolate plains of Mongolia covered with its short, stocky and overly hairy ponies.
Her muzzle extended only to press to his own shoulder, that touch was soft, fleeting and yet Frost's skin flinched beneath it. For several moments the mare merely stared as if anticipating that touch might somehow prompt the wings to appear. Her efforts however were paused by her determination to answer his own question. Her horn, apparently, was a permanent fixture unlike his own wings. The unicorn, in that moment, content to insinuate he was merely a horse. A soft snort left the stallion's nose once more, a vague amusement tugging at his features again.
"Maybe I am a mere horse, but I am one that has evolved enough to hide his wings when he needs to. It is hardly my fault that you have failed to....adapt."
How decidedly....spurring those words were. Frost, in that moment, inclined to tease her near deliberately if only to see if he might provoke a rise from her. The irritated snort of Khan's dun stallion filled the night air then. The scruffy animal, drawn to the mere scent of the unicorn, was nothing if not determined to break its tether. The fool of a stallion would wake the entire camp soon. Frost's ears pinned briefly backward as he eyed the other equine onlyt o return his attention to his newfound companion. Coaxing her to stay, it seemed, would not be easy. Wounding her pride enough into coming back however was perhaps nearly not so difficult.
"I fear though I cannot show you my wings, at least not here. If any of the humans wake to see them- well, I trust you understand how humans react to the sight of anything- unique?"
She had intimated, after all, that a great deal of her life had been spent alone if only for that very uniqueness she seemed both proud and resentful of. Surely she would understand the risks of showing off those wings amongst a camp full of beings inclined to gawk at them. Much less disqualify them from the race. Frost's form shifted once more, the stallion stepping abruptly forward then- his muzzle reaching to touch her own. An act he knew would likely see her recoil- and yet not fast enough. His sensitive muzzle pressed to the velvet of her own. Her scent was...truly unique- and so easily committed to memory in that momentary, forced exchange. His words, this time, came more readily and with perhaps a hint of...tease within those cool lyrics once more.
"As it is, I am not only capable of hiding my wings but your horn as well. If I desired to. At least from the eyes of those present here. I think I am simply.....more powerful than you. A unicorn, after all, is not quite so magnificent as a pegasus is it? After all, lots of animals have horns."
Oh how exactly he so knew what he was doing in that moment. Frost entirely content to make her.....mad enough.....determined enough.....to desire to find him again.