
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

I'll lay on the wire.

Posted on March 27, 2022 by morgan


"So many questions and yet you never answered any of mine. No fun." She nearly pouted and yet such a look on a masculine face would hardly suit man's appearance she wore. Not that it mattered. Morgan's skinsuit didn't quite evoke the reaction that she had been hoping for, not that she had fully expected for him to buy it. She had gone in blind after all. What was he even doing out in this secluded place, intently watching the hired help? Surely there was more at play here and Morgan was bored enough to satisfy her curiousity.

"You weren't staring then?" She questioned briefly, knowing very well that he had been staring at the human and not her. Not even though she mascaraed in his skin. No matter how strikingly alike they appeared, she could not fool her own species. She could not suddenly gain a heartbeat, or warm her cool flesh. It still did not account that he had been blissfully unaware that she had been 'watching' him. 'Studying' him and he hadn't even known! But a mind like hers needed something to fixate on.

Even though the charade was up before it truly began, the shapeshifter didn't bother to relent her current form. That question as to why she had accused him of staring was an easy enough question to answer.

"You are only pretending to read the paper, trust me, I know when someone is reading the paper... Although, I don't understand why you old ones do that when you have access to anything you want at the touch of a button. Google is a miraculous invention. You're also facing a dumpster, intent to watch a man that looks like me.. take out the trash..." Her voice took on an American accent as if not fully giving up the guise. She had learned many over the years in the effort to fit in and yet she was always so unique that she rarely ever could.. But the accent she summoned was a simple task, only needing to think it and it was there. Although, she never tired listening to her voice influenced by those uniquely manipulated vocal cords that belonged to this specific form. No form took on the same voice and this particular male she had stolen did not sound at all like she had expected him to. His voice possessed a far deeper baritone, smooth like she could enjoy listening to him talk.. even though nothing else about that worker seemed remarkable.

It wasn't commonplace that she took the shape of a male.. it always felt... odd. Having extra parts that felt unnatural and all the pieces that went along with it. No longer interested in standing, she suddenly spun around abruptly, almost like a pirouette of sorts. All to face the direction of the dumpster along with him, the action itself was almost as feminine as her original form. All before daintily lowering her form onto the bench that the other vampire was sitting on. How did men sit with those things between their legs? Some male forms were easier than others. But why did the shapeshifter linger? Or why she chose to encroach upon the ancient vampire's space. It would have been easier to move on and find someone else to entertain herself with beyond her own kind. Especially one who didn't wish to give her an inch. She eyed the truly unimpressive arms of the man attached to her body, going so far to even flex the muscles, contracting her outstretched long, boney fingers. Morgan was amazed he was able to lift those heavy garbage bags so easily. She then brushed at her masculine jaw, feeling the unusual stubble even through those callused fingertips of working hands. She found she liked stubble... Hm.

She shifted again.. unable to find comfort on that bench. Mimicking men was so much harder to do for her and yet she rarely let that stop her. A frown nestled upon the shapeshifter's features as she studied the ancient vampire beside her, wondering how he did it. Morgan studied his laid-back posture and attempted to do the same, leaning back and spreading her legs into very much the same position he had. That made it much easier to sit, although she still needed to reposition several times just to get it right, unsure where men liked to place their hands. She settled on folding them neatly into her lap after she finished touching her face and sharp jaw.

Peering forward, she looked from the same perspective as the man beside her. To see what he could see. "Looks like a whole lot of nothing to me.. I wonder what makes the guy with noodle arms so fascinating. Okay, I give up. Will you tell me?" She questioned on a frown, not exactly being the most particular on her questioning.

Maybe it was time to find a new pastime.
