Those moments that passed after entering the ship were odd. The place felt foreign yet Jackal manned the door just the same and her blood sang that her brother was here. She felt it even more strange that he insisted on her waiting on the bench off to the side. Surely she could have made her way to her room just fine. She could have found her brother without his help. And yet...
Nadya didn't have much time to contemplate that deep rooted blackness that blurred her mind, making it feel like she was trying to hold water in her hands. Her gaze turned upward at her brother's voice. He had let his stubble grow fit him and his stoic demeanor. Nadya rose to meet Tet, though that instinctual part of her was cautious in getting too close, reading that extra tenseness she didn't remember being there before. "Jackal...he insisted on calling you. He didn't need to interrupt whatever you were doing. Bastard Hunters took my clothes for some reason; I just need to go to my room so I can change." Nadya half-heartedly lifted an arm to indicate the exam clothes she was in as she rambled before stopping short.
"-Did you redecorate?" It was really starting to bother her how she couldn't remember Tet talking about sprucing up the joint. As her gaze shifted from Tet to their surroundings again it was hard to remember what exactly was there last either. Nadya's nose crinkled and she pinched at the side of her forehead. Damn headaches slicing through and blurring everything. "On second thought I think I'll just lay down first." Nadya mustered to mumble before moving to move past Tet towards the stairs.
Nadya Tetradore