Bethel Mercy Ayer

Bethel  Ayer
Face Claim: Rosie Huntington Whitley

General Stats

Name: Bethel Mercy Ayer
Nickname: Beth, Ana
Birthdate: October 31, 1992 A.D.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasion
Hair Color: Light Brunette
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'3
Residence: Dupont Circle


Species: Were
Animal: Anaconda
Date of Change: October 01, 1992 A.D.

Relationship Status

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Single


Bethel was born to Were parents. Her family, the Ayers, are descendants of the Ayer family who was involved in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. They have been born as snakes for centuries, each generation evolving into a larger, more venomous and dangerous snake. Snakes, often used as familiars, were beneficial to the witches of Salem, and therefore the family has always been in touch with witch covens or families. Sometimes, this relationship was absolutely torturous, as the family was nearly enslaved by the coven in Salem. In her hometown of Salem, Bethel found it increasingly difficult to manage around lots of mere humans, as they became somewhat prey to her in her were form, translating into a strange temptation as a human. All compassion and instinct aside, she chose to leave her home behind in search of a graduate degree, as well as a city away from a tormenting past. Bethel is the younger of two, with her brother also being a were-anaconda, although he is not often present in her life.


Crushing Strength

Can crush/or deform people, objects, or buildings with ease


Difficulty Shifting Shifting is incredibly, incredibly painful in both her human skin and snake-skin

Character Timeline