
The east side of the city is the very heart of Sacrosanct - it's unique skyline is a clash between modern sky rises and small Victorian-inspired storefronts. In the heart of downtown, the sleek colored glass buildings reign supreme though their old-world roots can be seen in the most peculiar places from the lamp post styled electric street light to the stone sidewalks. The old world architecture slowly returns the further from downtown you travel, however. It's here that magic thrives, it hums in every stone and can be felt in every breath. Often, newcomers to the city may become overwhelmed by such sensations but, eventually, it becomes an ever-present feeling that's hardly noticed.

What You'll Find Here

City Creek Center
Dark Hunter Department
Inner Sanctum
Red on the Water
Starlight Tower

we'll go down in history

Posted on August 20, 2015 by Rixon Leifsson
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It is a beneficial thing, surely, that the thoughts of the once-King are maintained firmly within his own mind and out of sight- for now, of the often irritable equine whom would surely have found some form of delight in the knowledge he had so managed to irk the other man and press against his seemingly endless patience and shield of control. It pleases him, to some extent, to find the chink in the armour of those around him, to delicately beginning to pull it apart should he ever desire to do so and yet, for now at least, Alexander presented a near immovable force that was proving more indomitable then even Tetradore had. Whatever frustration the equine may have taken in that, however, remains carefully concealed beneath that façade of callous indifference as he continues to recline within the chair, the cube of sugar rolled smoothly about his tongue as Alex sees fit to answer the question posed before him. He is interested indeed in this particular man, the potential value of a Hunter so aged as to ensnare the knowledge of a time in history so many truly remember is a potent thing and yet for now at least the stallion is inclined to offer a façade of only mild curiosity. It never paid well to appear as if he truly desired something, appearing to listen with a half-hearted and fleeting interest as Alex offered the title he seemed to prefer- earning little more then a quirk of the snowy-haired man's lip before what little of his gaze could be seen was directed once more towards the shelves that lined the café, adorned with the sorts of oddities that both intrigued and yet agitated the man all the same- many of them outside his knowledge to understand, so many of them seemingly meaningless.

"It is interesting that you value what you have conquered more than the articles of your family."

He knows entirely that this was not wholly what Alexander had meant by his omission and yet there are few so skilled in twisting the words of others as the snowy-haired young man, flicking the words back little pointed barbs merely because he can though curious all the same as to how the much older man may take his relationship with his family being questioned. It is so very easy to gather details of another, simply by the manner in which they do, or do not, respond to the questions posed at them. For all that he is perhaps, the equine is hardly unintelligent- even if there is a cruelty perhaps, to the manner in which he conducts so much of his actions. The mention of Bessus, Xerxes, whatever he wanted to call himself however seemed to ignite with in the Hunter a little more fire than any other topic of conversation so far, old grudges perhaps held far too long and yet for now at least Frost simply remains silent, allowing the Hunter to offer what he would- frowning ever so slightly at his mention of bauble once more, a soft snort emitted a moment later.

"It has significantly more meaning then I believe you perceive- nor is bauble an accurate description but I see little to be achieved in arguing with you in regards to that. Perhaps you do not need my assistance, perhaps you can wait until Xerxes is alone although you may very well be waiting the next thousand years if that is the game you are going to play. He is never alone, he made sure of that. Does Hydarnes the second, mean anything to you? It should, I am entirely sure. That man is never far from him and with him are a number of others, the vast majority of them in possession of that teleportation ability you witnessed at the meeting. If you plan to meet what remains of the Persian Immortals, a Calvary troop, while standing on your own two feet to face their charge then by all means I wish you luck- I may even attend your funeral. Google did inform me you were a stubborn-ass of a man but a supposed military genius, does your genius recognise that this is not a battle you are going to win on foot and alone?"

One eye simply lifted, curious perhaps, to see if Alexander could be given to see the truth of it despite his evident desire to believe in his own prowess. Perhaps a trait they were given to share to some extent, the equine loath to admit this was not a battle he himself could win alone and yet even the stallion is not near so fool enough to attempt it all the same as he allows silence to find them once more. The simper Alexander had managed at his mention of a displeased Bessus however, had not gone unnoticed by the ever-watchful equine, Frost content to offer a shrug of sorts once more.

"Perhaps you are far too out of practice for such a thing, we all age, Alexander, even if it does not show on some of us. You failed to stop him once, I suppose you could not be blamed for failing a second time."

This is a far more distinct barb, the horse content to seize upon the man's singular apparent failure in life and dangle it before him like to proverbial carrot, oblivious perhaps, that much the same tactic had surely been employed upon himself at the mention of the conqueror's last and infamous steed.

"I assure you there is nothing he could do that I canno-"

There is an abrupt pause, the younger mans words silenced near as abruptly as they have come- aware to late perhaps that he has fallen so easily for this single potent tease, Frost incapable of rising to such verbal challenges as that nor truly willing to expose his own weakness in that regard. He is loath to be considered beneath any in any fashion, to be classed in any many as less superior and yet for now he holds his tongue further, an irritable mutter passing his lips and no more as his attention focuses distinctly upon the display of pastries beneath the counter in the silence that follows once more.

"Are you not tired of it?"

His words, this time, are abrupt, fingers drumming against the table top in a smooth and continual pattern before he faces the Hunter at last once more.

"Living. Are you not simply tired of being alive after so many years?"

How many, truly, had ever stopped to ask Alexander that in all the years of his life....had he simply not grown tired of it? This question held no hidden snare or malice behind it- this alone simple curiosity perhaps, as the equine waits once more.

"Are you willing to have one last battle- or are you not?"

Well- one was a lie, there would surely be several, perhaps Alexander could even be convinced to take down a few rouges felines and yet for now the horse sees no need to mention anything further. He desired the return of his missing amulet and Alexander surely desired to finish what he had failed to do a thousand years ago. How hard could it truly be?

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