
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery

with you at my side, i am invincible

Posted on November 12, 2017 by Damon Marcello

He couldn't have painted a more perfect picture than the one that sat before him at the table. Isolt had a black shimmery dress on that hugged every curve perfectly, making her silhouette that much more noticible. He didn't care who told her to wear it,; he only cared that she was the most beautiful thing in that restaurant. He wanted to demand she never wear it out of the house or at least let him get his eyeful in before she dare step foot outside but he was trying to be on his best behavior. Keyword, trying. She made it so damn hard though. His hand easily found the open back of her dress as he escorted her in. He could never get enough of touching her, claiming her any way that he could. That simper she wore so naturally on her lips always kept that fire stoked inside of him, barely out of control. The rosy color that blossomed to life on her cheeks only excited him more. He loved it when she did that. He could already picture a thousand ways for this night to end and he was loving being in those thoughts. He knew they had a long way to go after him leaving again but he wanted to work on it and make it right.

He felt like a jerk as he called the waitor over and excused himself. He could already tell from Isolt's expression that he was going to be in trouble later. He just had to know Arlo was okay. Somehow he felt protective over the vampire. Maybe it was just beauase he was different and Damon wanted to use him as a weapon but maybe he also kind of liked the guy. He was fun to hang out with at the club and he was fascinating in a new way. He was something worth understanding and Damon needed him alive for that. Maybe the more he showed Arlo that covens could be helpful, the more he could convince him to join them some day. He heard Isolt's pleading and he did venture one pleading glance toward her as he left the restaurant but he already knew that she wouldn't stay there. Of course not. She was headstrong; he knew that. But he couldn't leave Arlo defenseless. So he made his way toward the source of the noise, coming upon Arlo being held to the wall by a big vampire while a female on a power trip scolded him like a child. Damon's eyes glittered with amusement as he arched a brow up at her threats. He called out and watched as all the vampires turned to stare at him. The woman had the nerve to tell him it was none of his business and Damon crossed his arms in front of him, tilting his head with humor. Oh yes, he'd be sure to have fun with her for her insolence.

Arlo moved first though, squirming away from the guy holding him and biting into his shoulder, which brought the man to the ground pretty quickly. Damon knew how Arlo's venom worked so it didn't surprise him but apparently it did surprise the others. The woman hissed and Damon knew they were about to attack, the energy practically pulsing around him as every light around them started to pop in response. He was about to attack when Arlo turned to greet him and he nodded back, his lips tugging into a smirk. "You've got yourself a fun little party, don't you?" He said with humor. He was about to scold the woman when another did it first. He was surprised to hear Isolt's voice, his gaze spinning to the redhead at his side who stood with such confidence to face down the other vampires. The woman seemed to know her, calling her by name and Damon instinctively shifted closer to Isolt protectively, his wrists already twitching, ready to pull out any number of powers to keep her protected. The woman reached back to attack and Damon hissed air through his teeth, already ready to grasp her wrist but Isolt beat him to it. His brow arched up, clearly impressed as she then punched the woman right on her nose.

He grinned despite himself, pride beaming in his eyes as he gazed at his fiance. Of course the woman was not as amused and Damon's face sobered as he saw the other vampires coming to her defense. Scowling, he looked toward one group rushing them and flicked his wrist, sending a golden wave of energy roaring toward them like a tsunami on the beach, sending them all reeling into buildings and cars. Car alarms started to go off but they silenced as he drew on more energy, ready for more. Another vampire launched for Isolt's back and he snarled, turning and slicing his finger through the air. The vampire's body landed in a slump at Isolt's feet before it turned to ash, the head landing some ten feet further away, the neck cleanly sliced. With his own back turned, another vampire rushed him, breaking off a tree branch and slamming it into the back of his chest. It would have buried itself in any other vampire's heart...but Damon wasn't any other vampire. The tree branch snapped like he was made of stone, splintering to the ground as he rounded on the vampire. Raising a brow, he made a tsk tsk noise in his throat before he slammed his hand right through the vampire's chest.

The man made a gasping noise and when Damon pulled his hand back, he was holding the vampire's bloody heart. Smirking at him as he watched the man look down at his own heart, he slowly squeezed as the blood ran down his wrist. The vampire crumpled to his knees and turned to ash as Damon chuckled and looked at the others. "Any other takers?" His eyes practically glowed with the love of battle and chaos. He really was just another dark soul dancing that line of immortality.
