
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery

shimmer shimmer and shine

Posted on May 31, 2016 by Samantha Cassidy

Samantha was well aware of the way the Were girl seemed to doubt herself as Samantha complimented her in the blue dress that the faerie girl was so certain flattered her figure. Still, Samantha moved about her, fluffing the dress so that it fit the way it was supposed to, even watching Raven in the mirror to see how she reacted. Samantha was pleased at the way that Raven offered her that tiny, tiny grin as she suggested the ways that she could cover the scars that bothered her while still remaining entirely fashionable. "I know that you think these," She motioned gently to the scars on Raven's shoulders as she met her eyes in the mirror. "Are the only thing that anyone sees about you, Raven. But they don't. They see your smile, and the way you laugh, and how caring you are. You would do anything for Aiden, and I know that. I see that you're fiercely loyal to those you care about. You're smart, too. I know he trusts you to help him with the paperwork at the Ark." The faerie did one last motion to fluff out the skirt before she looked up at Raven again. "The people that matter, the people that love you, they see those things, not your scars. The rest of the people don't make the slightest bit of difference."

With that settled, Samantha stepped away from the woman, content to allow her to return to the fitting rooms. Samantha only waited until she was back in the room before she returned to the sales floor, looking through the racks that had occupied her only minutes before. She held up a dress to her own frame, testing the fit against her before she added it to the pile in her arms. She was gone only a few moments before she returned to the fitting room with a handful of clothing that she placed in the fitting room beside Raven before she peeked out to see the woman coming out of the dressing room in her own clothing. "I'm glad you liked most of them. The ones you didn't like were ones I wasn't sure about myself," She said pleasantly, reaching out to take the three shirts that Raven offered up. She went over to the hanging rack, putting the rejected shirts on the rack to be put away and out of their way. It was only at Raven's words did the young faerie turn to look at her.

"Of course it's your place," Samantha offered her a smile, swaying slightly to make her skirt flutter as she watched the girl. "You're my friend. As my friend, you are allowed to tell me whatever you like. Including and not limited to if I look awful in the clothes I'm about to try on. Oh, and especially if you have ideas about what would make Aiden happy!" It was simple enough as she observed the Were girl, quite interested in what she might suggest they do that would make Aiden happy. "And of course I want to hear your idea." She tilted her head, moving towards the fitting room once more. "Talk to me while I try on the clothes?" She asked as she moved inside the fitting room, shutting the door behind her. She slipped out of her dress easily, changing into a pair of tight fitting jeans and a simple tank top with crocheted lace on the top. She opened the door after only a moment, waving her arms in a slight ta-da as she emerged. "Okay, tell me your plan?" She asked as she moved in front of the three full length mirrors to examine her own figure in the get up. "I think I like this, what do you think?"

Samantha Cassidy
