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my own form of CHAOS

Posted on April 03, 2019 by Damon Marcello

Call it a research project, or maybe just curiosity on overdrive. He heard rumors of a fae child and couldn't help himself. Maybe it was nerves from Isolt's pregnancy and the thought that maybe this would play out and maybe, just maybe, she would actually have a child and he would get to raise it as his own. Maybe he would actually be a father. The bigger she got and the closer to her due date, the more it started to become a reality, at least in theory. He was scared shitless, but he'd never admit that out loud. Instead he threw himself into distractions, and a fae child was too much of a curious attraction to pass it up. He didn't want her for her blood or any such petty nonsense. He might still be a newborn by some vampire standards but he considered himself extremely disciplined unless he flipped his humanity switch.

That was always by choice though and when he wanted to, he could flip it back. It just took some motivation. Today, his humanity was fully intact though. He wanted to meet this child, to study her. Maybe he'd learn a thing or two about kids in the meantime. In his human life, he'd avoided children like the plague. He would leave the room if any came in and just hearing their voices would send him in the other direction. But as he'd grown more into his immortal life, he found himself watching them in the parks, mesmerized. Maybe it was just his immortality catching up to him, reminding him of what he had lost and what he could no longer have, or at least that's what he'd thought before the New Eden coven got their dirty hands on Isolt.

He found himself at a dance school of all places. Why in the world would a fae child hang out here? It seemed ludicrous. There were too many humans here. He shifted in his chair, putting on another polite smile for the administrator across from him. They'd already put out an announcement to the child. He'd found out her name was Maeve. Different. Now he just had to wait, but he was never a patient one. He shuffled his feet and crossed his legs. Luckily it wasn't too terribly long before he heard someone approaching. He could smell the sweetness of her blood before anything else, his nostrils flaring for a second before he pressed down the urge of hunger. He was well fed so it wasn't hard. As she walked into the room, he turned on his best heartwarming smile, his blue eyes dancing as he looked into her violet eyes. How did no one figure out what she was? He could read magic in every facet of her being, from her slender almost fragile silhouette to her pointed ears and those eyes...if that didn't scream supernatural, he didn't know what did.

She was going to blow his cover though, cheeky little thing. She asked if she knew him and he chuckled, looking at the administrator like it was all a big joke. "This kid. She always greets me like that." He slowly stood up, not wanting to frighten her cause that would really ruin his cover. He put on his best smile as he bent over to look into Maeve's eyes. "You don't recognize your favorite uncle? That just won't do. Does that mean you want ice cream again?" He put a good dose of charm into the smirk he sent toward the administrator. "That usually gets the recognition juice flowing." He added in a teasing wink for good measure and it worked, a shy giggle falling from the administrator's lips as she smiled between them fondly. He glanced back at Maeve. "What do ya say, Maeve? Does ice cream sound good? I bet you're hungry."
