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Ashes to ashes we all fall down

Posted on April 11, 2015 by Anna-Marie Belrose

Anna-Marie Belrose

Anna-Marie honestly hadn't thought about hunting this evening, more interested in other forms of play, that now that she was presented with it she didn't seem quite sure what to do. Those thoughtful orbs looked over the frightened woman town between stringing her along or simply ending her fragile life. The sauntering gate of the new vampire caused Anna to still in preparation for a fight to the right of the girl. However, the way in which he crouched before her, bringing him eye-level to her in a show of equality soothed the child. A wicked smirk slid across her features at his answer to her question. How delightful to find someone who would join in. The look in his eyes assured Anna that this vampire was unlike Sebastian who frowned upon their natural right as predators.

In curiosity Anna watched the vampire look into the woman's eyes and twist about her free will much like another vampire she used to know and cherish. It was quite a thrill to see the dominating look in the victim's eyes of obedience with that speck of knowing screaming and protesting futility. A peal of giggles escaped Anna, forgetting the woman momentarily to look bright eyed at the man. "I'm Anna-Marie. Who are you?" No hand was extended or other sociably acceptable form of greeting. It was peaceable enough between vampires not to be already throwing punches when a fresh meal was involved. Speaking of, the woman had been told to say she wanted to play but the pull beyond that had been vague and as such was starting to move in uncertainty of what path she was supposed to take. Anna's gaze hardened and snapped back to her new unruly plaything. "You're being rude."

The sadistic girl's ability wrapped around the women's essence taking control of her body and like a marionette pulled the woman to her feet. The man had afterall hadn't seemed offended by Anna having her the woman in her clutches so what harm would it be to have her play a game of hopscotch. The woman's body flung unceremoniously the short distance to the chalked out hopscotch before Anna released her control. "It's your turn to play." And as if reading the woman's self-preservation thought of running, "If you don't I'll make you jump from a roof and you can watch yourself fall to your death." Yes, that sounded entertaining, her grin baring those tiny fangs before looking back to the man. "She's fun."
