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ice, ice baby (Calliel)

Posted on May 26, 2015 by Rixon Leifsson
 photo 1638b989-d1ad-4590-8c4d-4d16fc4716cb_zps770e0cc5.jpg

Locating the intriguing young woman from the park had not proven to be nearly as simplistic as he had anticipated, in fact, the girl had very near vanished, her scent traceable only to the more affluent side of the city where it became snared and entangled with a multitude of others. The home he had managed to decipher as her own had proved wholly incorrect, the people whom lived their informing him in a flurry of words that Calliel no longer lived here, nor was she or her Hunter friend welcome ever again. It was a...surprising turn of events and yet it is this notion of 'Hunter Friend' that so seemed to intrigue the young snowy-haired boy as he strode away from the human-infested home that was no longer her own. Her scent lingered in this area still and yet even his animal form is not designed for tracking, not truly, the man not nearly so capable as a canine in this regard and yet it is the familiarity of another scent that so seemed to persuade his curiosity further. It had been some years since he had last had the pleasure of Azrael's company, even the thought of the mans name leaving a decided distaste within his mouth. Why Calliel was with him was....perplexing.

Leather boots move to shift upon the sidewalk, the young man's direction abruptly changed now, heading towards the side of town the blonde hunter is known to frequent, hands tucked neatly within those fitted jeans as he moves- that gaze forever shielded beneath lashings of white hair. It would be most unfortunate for such a potentially valuable little creature to fall into the hands of Hunters. Humans were vapid at best, so rarely worth the time of day beyond the amusement they could bring from their utter naivety and the terror so easily inflicted upon them for the sake of relieving his boredom. They could be trying too, incapable of perception beyond the visual. They saw a horse, they treated him as a horse and truly he has become tired of being looked upon as little more than a best of burden or a child's riding mount by unscrupulous parents who could barely tell the difference between a pony gelding and a stallion fit for war. Calliel however had proven to be....different, perceptive- her intelligence alluring and a thing surely wasted in the hands of hunters. What interest could the council possible hold in a human girl regardless?

It is a perplexing puzzle and one his mind is ill content with. It is rare indeed for him to find a human anything other then useless, rarer still for his attention to be so captivated by a female beyond any desire to meet his more physical needs and yet of late he had found both Alexis and Calliel at the forefront of his mind- though for vastly different reasons. It would be a shame, truly, were Azrael holding any desire to....convert to Calliel to his way of life. The world had enough Hunters, meddlesome over-powered humans that he has spent the better part of his life obeying to a certain extent, the stallion so far having managed to decrease his service to little more then Alexander, though his notions on that relationship were still- fickle at best and yet for now his 'companions' return had at least seen the return of his favoured sugar cubes and a more amicable side of his nature.

A sudden return in Calliel's scent sees the young man halt abruptly, violet eyes turned towards a particularly....disagreeable apartment building that was barely the size of the kitchen in his own townhouse. He is hardly foolish enough to betray caution entirely, the war horse intelligent enough to at least assure himself the Hunter is not at home. His own powers extend in a rather unique manner, searching for heat signatures amongst the building, rapidly separating supernatural from human, male from female until he had located only two potential targets. His steps remained soft and silent upon the stairs of the lobby, striding effortlessly upwards and towards the nearest apartment that lacked any male presence, knuckles rapping effortlessly against the wooden door, eyeing the worn wood with slight disdain before it opened to reveal the very young woman he had sort, lips quirking slightly upward.

"Well, well, well- the lucky door prize. I must say, Calliel, I didn't picture you living in such an....establishment."

His tone shifts ever so slightly upon the final word, neither truly betraying his opinion nor offering it freely, merely seeming to find some slither of amusement in it- well aware this is hardly her home and yet offering no indication of his knowledge in this moment.

"I climbed all those stairs- surely I'm entitled to a cup of tea."

One eye moved to lift ever so slightly, lip pulling upwards in a momentary grin. She was a pretty thing, little Calliel, why not indulge her company a little while and find out entirely what she was doing in the company of a Hunter.

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