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I tawt I taw a puddy tat

Posted on May 29, 2014 by Alekai
 photo alex2_zpsf2c6e224.jpg

Hmm. An actual cat burglar.

Had Azrael been even remotely the humorous type he may well have taken some form of amusement from watching the feline approach the wealthy estate, her leopard skin shifted to be replaced with a young woman, figure shadowy within the darkness as she began her evident break and enter. For a moment some lingering sense if disappoint manages to trace the handsome young man's façade. He has been hunting a leopard of late, yet the cat he has traced is not so light of coat- nor is it a female. A target however, is a target and the well-toned Hunter sees the young girl as merely an added prize, since the male he looks for is clearly not going to show up tonight. Az simply leans back against the light pole he has positioned himself beneath, pulling up the cowl of his sleeveless hoody in an effort to hide that mop of blonde hair that seemed to shine in even the dullest light, simply watching the woman slip inside as his arms folded across his chest, one leg folding over the other in callous ease as the black denim of his jeans absorbed the shadows of the night.

He could, he supposed, follow her into the building at yet he saw little need to leave a bloodied mess all over what was surely expensive carpet. It was faster and easier simply to wait for the girl to come back out before he made any sort of move. He has played this game for a long time indeed and he has hardly become so successful by making a scene. He continues to wait for the she-leopard to finish her pilfering, curious as to why the creature was alone. Cat or not, most Weres had some desire to maintain something akin to a pack. Then again, he supposed he hardly cared, no pack only made her an easier target. Were's after all, are by far his most hated creatures. Disgusting, vile, unholy things that they were. Neither man nor beast but some abomination of both. Perhaps, once, he had felt sorry for those humans who had the misfortune of being bitten by them, forced to change, to suffer that transformation over and over and really it was more through kindness he put them down. It is the Were born that seem the most inclined to defy him, that seem so determined to live and spread water poison it is that flows through their veins about this earth. He manages something akin to a snort of disgust at the mere thought, eyes flicking briefly upward as the girl reappears, pockets no doubt full of whatever it is she's pilfered.

For some moments still he simply continues to watch, beautiful amber gold eyes fixated upon her before he seems to lean forward with some reluctance, evidently having preferred to continue to lounge against his pole, that flash of speed seeing the boy disappear, reappearing several feet in front of the woman, assured he will be noticed any moment as his arms fold loosely back across his chest, hood concealing most of his features, after all, though very few got away- it hardly paid to have them hunt him now did it?

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty, what have you got there hmmm? Oh come now, why don't you show me?"

There is a humourless amusement to his voice, lips pulled into the barest hint of a grin. He really shouldn't toy with his prey so much.

Alekai Azrael Evero
HTML by Apollymi
