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Baptized in Blood -Damon-

Posted on June 26, 2014 by Chemistry Koi

Her dreams are pleasant, at least pleasant enough as she begins to stir, legs and arms stretching languorously out much like a contented cat. A tender throb awakens between her thighs that is met with a serene smile, oh there is nothing like an erotic dream that transcends into the waking. Turning onto her back she sighs, left leg lifting up to rest the sole of her foot by her right knee when the silkiness of the sheets strike her. So suddenly she lifts, the fabric drifting off her nakedness in cascading waves as her eyes dart about her. Everywhere lay evidence of luxury, tidbits of priceless furniture and curtains. She could make a fortune if she were to swipe them yet she held no desire, as the moments of the night before came flooding back. It was the previous night right? Or was it the same night? Lifting one porcelain arm a quick sniff confirmed was the same night. Vampire. Shit.

Rubbing her eyes she gives her head a little shake, loosening her softly matted hair. Oh yes it is typically straight but when she sweated or got it wet it transformed into soft stretched waves like now and it was a pain in the ass to detangle. It was then that she noticed the blouse and shorts laid out on the blood red sheets. Red, typical vampire. Leaning forward until her rear was raised deliciously in the air she fingers the lace underwear, a slender eyebrow lifting at realizing that he got the size right. Backpedaling, she lifts the previous items, deftly pulling forth the tags...he was good.

A gasp of surprise is given as the shower turns on, her body tensing as she shifts, the reaction instinctual as she was in an unfamiliar place after having sex with someone she didn't even know the name too. Suddenly finding herself in the middle of an enormous bed, she lifts her muzzle, black nose twitching as she takes in the scents. Oh, interesting. No other mars the air but the vamp and for some reason she likes that. She likes knowing that no other has graced his bedchamber for some time other than her. Score!

Taking a step she soon finds herself in a predicament. Claws and silk did not mix and she was loathe to rip the fine fabric...hey shoot her but she was a lover of fine things and was currently a homeless thief. A growl of distaste is released as she resorts to high stepping, feeling as ridiculous as those prancing horses you see on t.v and as soon as she could she leapt from the bed. Landing as gracefully as any thief she is off, following her nose and ears to the bathroom where her lover's scent was the strongest. Her steps are near silent save for the soft click of her nails, surely he wouldn't catch that over the spray of the water? Right? Even so she slinks forward, and for a moment she just watches him in the shower, the shadow of his body through the glass doors. His body was to die for and her mouth begins to salivate as she remembers the passions they shared. Her core clenched, body primed for action and had she been human she would have chuckled. Extremely high sex drive thy name is Chemistry.

Moving forward she spies the space where the door and the wall is not quite closed. He might have not closed it in order to hear her when she awakened or not to awaken her either way she exploits this. Lifting one paw, then the other she leaps into the shower, grateful it was one of those stand alone showers stalls not the tub shower combo. A yip is given as she is instantly doused, realizing for the first time that night how big everything is in comparison to her size. Lunging forward she nips at his heels, a purring growling sound rumbling from her throat that sounds oddly like laughing before her hind legs lose their grip. She slips and slides, victim to the soap he was using, before catching herself right before she hits the wall. If he hasn't already picked her up she will snarl at the water, biting at it as it goes to the drain, damn soapy shits making her appearance less than graceful. She would look up at him if she fancied water in the eyes so as it was she just stood there, a sopping wet snarling lump of speckled grey fur. Gotta love her gray fox form.

Submerged in BLOOD | The Dead they SMILE
